Tag: social development
GSDRC email bulletin / Governance and social development resource centre
Abstract: The monthly email bulletin of the Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC) brings news on governance, conflict and social development including updates on new publications, helpdesk queries and topics guides. Author(s): GSDRC Source(s): , Published: GSDRC, Birmingham (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.gsdrc.org/go/email-bulletin
Developmental local government : putting local government at the heart of development : Commonwealth local government conference, 14-17 May 2013, Kampala, Uganda
Abstract: This website provides information on the Commonwealth Local Government Conference of 14-17 May 2013 in Kampala, Uganda. It is entitled: developmental local government. Information includes video, a programme outline, key speakers, an online registration form, and news. Author(s): CLGF Source(s): , Published: 2013 Commonwealth local government forum (CLGF), London (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.clgc2013.org/index.cfm
The implications of federalism and decentralisation on socio-economic conditions in Ethiopia
Abstract: This paper analyses impacts of the federal system and decentralization on Ethiopia’s socio-economic development, with special reference to the health and eduction sectors. The principles of the Ethiopian federal system as well as those of the 2001/2002 decentralisation process are highlighted. Author(s): Zimmermann-Steinhart, Petra; Bekele, Yakob Source(s): , [Potchefstroom electronic law journal] (PER); Vol.…
Every development is local : why local public governance is key to achieving human development results
Abstract: The Practice Director for Democratic Governance Group of the UNDP reflects on the importance of Local Public Governance in achieving sustainable human development results. She looks esp. at the capacity challenged areas of the public service in its role as a facilitator of local-level development. Author(s): Fraser-Moleketi, Geraldine Joslyn Source(s): , [12] p., ill.…
Developmental local government : issues, trends and options in South Africa
Abstract: This article presents an overview of the historical foundation and evolution of the system of local government and the notion of developmental local government in South Africa. This analysis covers the period prior to and post the 1994 democratic breakthrough. Author(s): Koma, S.B. Source(s): , African journal of public affairs (AJPA); Vol. 5, No.…
The South African developmental state debate : leadership, governance and a dialogue in public sector finance
Abstract: This paper explores the implications for the public finance management system of the South African government’s aspiration to become a developmental state, as articulated in the newly released National Development Plan 2030: Our future – make it work (National Planning Commission 2012). Author(s): Kuye, J.O.; Ajam, T. Source(s): , African journal of public affairs…
Building a capable and developmental state
Abstract: Chapter 13 of the National Development Plan – 2030 emphasizes that South Africa needs to build a state that is capable of playing a developmental role. Improving relations between national, provincial and local government requires a proactive approach to resolving coordination problems. Author(s): South Africa Source(s): , p. 407-443 Published: 2012 South African government…
Who can address urban inequality? : the often forgotten roles of local government
Abstract: This paper focuses on the role of local government in reducing inequalities in sustainable development (infrastructure, basic services, regulations and other measures linked to health, economic opportunity and risk reduction), and the inclusion of the poor and marginalized in local decisions. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , [15] p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 United cities and…
Van Vollenhoven institute [for law, governance, and development]
Abstract: Through research and teaching, the Van Vollenhoven Institute seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the formation and functioning of legal systems in developing countries and their effectiveness in contributing to good governance and development. Author(s): Van Vollenhoven Institute For Law And Administration In Non-Western Countries Source(s): , Published: 2012 Universiteit Leiden, Van…
Africa day of decentralization, local governance and local development 2012 : concept note
Abstract: At the twentieth ordinary session of the African Union, held in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, from 23 – 27 January 2012, AMCOD instituted an Africa Day of Decentralization, Local Governance and Local Development, which is meant to be celebrated on 10 August each year. Author(s): Source(s): , [2] p. Published: 2012 All African minsterial…