Tag: social justice
LogoLink : learning initiative on Citizen participation and local governance
Abstract: LogoLink was a global network of practitioners from civil society organizations, research institutions and governments working to deepen democracy and promote social justice through greater citizen participation in local governance. Author(s): Vaz, Jose Carlos; Martins, Rafael Source(s): , Published: 2009 Formação e assessoria em políticas sociais (POLIS). Instituto de estudos [etc.], São Paulo [etc.]…
Core principles for public engagement
Abstract: The fundamental components of quality public engagement are outlined, including: (1) careful planning; (2) inclusion; (3) collaboration and shared purpose; (4) openness and learning; (5) transparency and trust; (6) impact and action; and (7) sustained engagement and participatory culture. Author(s): Atlee, Tom Source(s): , 12 p. Published: 2009 National coalition for dialogue & deliberation…
Mobilizing rural institutions : a comparative study of rural institutions for improving governance and development : Afghanistan, Ethiopia, India, Vietnam, and Yemen
Abstract: The role of local institutions in improving governance and livelihoods for more marginal and disadvantaged populations, was studied in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, India (Orissa), Vietnam, and Yemen. The focus was on: agricultural services; natural resource management; and local governance. Author(s): Agrawal, Arun; Perrin, Nicolas Source(s): , Social development papers; 114 viii, 80 p., ill., tabs…
Ecosystem governance
Abstract: The Ecosystem Governance programme brings an integrated perspective to improving governance systems for equitable and sustainable natural resource management, involving transparent and democratic decision making, adaptive management, and combined biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction. Author(s): WUR Source(s): , Published: 2009 Wageningen UR (WUR). Centre for development innovation (CDI), Wageningen (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.cdi.wur.nl/UK/programmes/EcosystemGovernance/
Participatory approaches to rural development and rural poverty alleviation
Abstract: This paper considers participation in rural development and rural poverty alleviation. Its main purposes are to identify some of the main challenges facing the use of participatory approaches to rural development and poverty alleviation in Asia, and to propose a number of topics for discussion. Author(s): Campos Cuimarães, J.P. De Source(s): , Working paper…
CBPS : Centre for budget and policy studies
Abstract: The Centre for Budget and Policy Studies works for the creation and sharing of knowledge for an empowered, equitable, just and democratic society in southern India. It does so by conducting research and evaluation in the areas of policy, budget, governance and public service delivery. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2009 Centre for budget and…
Decentralisation and conflict management in Indonesia and Nigeria
Abstract: The paper examines the history of grievances, demands, and identity in the context of decentralization in two countries. This includes the devolution of political, administrative and fiscal duties and resources to local authorities and the creation of new districts and local government areas. Author(s): Diprose, Rachael; Ukiwo, Ukoha Source(s): , CRISE working paper; 49…
Participation of excluded groups in local governance
Abstract: This GSDRC helpdesk research report reviews methods to ensure and allow the participation of excluded groups in local governance, both in leadership positions and in local meetings. Author(s): Haider, Huma; Abraham-Talks, Sunita Source(s): , Helpdesk research report; [HD555] 12:00 PM Helpdesk research report [HD555] Published: 2008 University of Birmingham]. Governance and social development resource…
Decentralisation and assistance to sub-national governments in fragile environments
Abstract: There is disagreement about whether decentralization should be pursued in fragile or post-conflict environments. Many argue that strengthening sub-national governance is vital for delivering basic services, whereas others are skeptical as to whether decentralisation can produce pro-poor outcomes. Author(s): Mcloughlin, Claire; Brinkerhoff, Derick Source(s): , Helpdesk research report; [HD560] 16 p Helpdesk research report…
Forestry and democratic decentralization in sub-Saharan Africa : a rough draft review
Abstract: How can forestry interventions support the emergence of local democracy? How can local democracy foster sustainable and just forest management and use? This article explores the history of decentralization reforms in Africa and some learning on local management in the forestry sector. Author(s): Ribot, J.C. Source(s): , 35 p. Published: 2008 Center for international…