Tag: Uganda
Do better monitoring institutions increase leadership quality in community organizations? : evidence from Uganda
Abstract: A sample of Ugandan farmer associations was used to validate a model of leadership effectiveness. Indeed, the quality of democratically chosen leaders in community organizations was affected by the groups´ monitoring institutions. The framework may be applied to other local governance situations. Author(s): Grossman, Guy; Hanlon, W. Walker Source(s): , 39 p., ill., graphs,…
Comparative assessment of decentralization in Africa : final report and summary of findings
Abstract: This comparative study draws lessons from African country experiences with decentralization. Accountability remains mostly upward. In one third public service delivery improved slightly. Capacity remains an issue at all levels of government. Author(s): Dickovick, James Tyler; Beatty Riedl, Rachel Source(s): , iv, 79 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 United States agency for international development…
Monitoring and assessing the performance of local government councils in Uganda : background, methodology and score card
Abstract: This background paper was prepared as part of a broader initiative by ACODE to develop an assessment mechanism to measure the performance of local government councils in Uganda by applying a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators or the Local Government Councils Score Card (LGCSC). Author(s): Tumushabe, Godber W. Source(s): , ACODE policy research…
Local government councils performance and quality of service delivery in Uganda : Luwero district council score-card 2008/09
Abstract: Luwero District Council in Uganda was the first to be assessed using the new score-card methodology. District performance and the quality of public services was assessed and recommendations for improvement were provided. Capacity building, budgeting, and development planning need more attention. Author(s): Muyomba-Tamale, Lillian Source(s): , ACODE policy research paper series; 38 iv, 58…
The Uganda national land policy : popular version
Abstract: Details are provided on the constitutional, legal, and land tenure framework. The national land policy aims to ensure efficient, equitable utilization and management of Uganda’s land and land based resources for poverty reduction, wealth creation and overall socio-economic development. Author(s): Source(s): , ii, 34 p. draft five Published: 2010 Uganda land alliance (ULA), Kampala…
Decentralisation, governance and health-system performance : ‘where you stand depends on where you sit’
Abstract: Drawing on evidence from Bolivia, Chile, India, Pakistan, Philippines, and Uganda, it is shown that a balance between centralisation of some functions and decentralisation of others, along with improved mechanisms of accountability, is needed to achieve health system objectives. Author(s): Mitchell, Andrew; Bossert, Thomas J. Source(s): , Development policy review; Vol. 28, Issue 6…
Introduction to the Mwananchi programme : strengthening citizen engagement
Abstract: The Programme Director explains how the project will bring together media, civil society organisations (CSOs) and elected representatives to create ‘coalitions of change’ and strengthen citizen engagement in seven African countries. Author(s): Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , 2.55 min., ill. Published: 2010 Overseas development institute (ODI)]. Mwananchi programme, [London etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvEHuof1ClA
Ministry of local government : mentoring and supporting local governments in Uganda
Abstract: The ministry’s mission is to coordinate, support and advocate for Local Governments for sustainable, efficient and effective service delivery in the decentralized system of governance. Author(s): Uganda Source(s): , Published: 2010 Ministry of local government, [Kampala] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://molg.go.ug/
Mwananchi : strengthening citizen engagement
Abstract: The Mwananchi Programme promotes local governance issues to strengthen citizens’ voices and improve governance and accountability in Africa. The programme works in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Southern Sudan, Uganda and Zambia. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2010 Overseas development institute (ODI)]. Mwananchi programme, [London etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.mwananchi-africa.org/