Tag: water supply
Strengthening capacity for local WASH governance
Abstract: This briefing note looks at ways that decentralized bodies can be strengthened to carry out their new functions better, so that people gain access to safe water and sanitation services. Author(s): McIntyre, Peter Source(s): , 8 p., ill. Published: 2006 IRC international water and sanitation centre, Delft (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.irc.nl/redir/content/download/28952/302264/file/001_Capacity%20development.pdf
Multiple-use water services to advance the Millennium development goals
Abstract: Principles for implementing and upscaling multipleuse water services approaches are identifed. They pertain to livelihoods analysis, equity, appropriate technology, community institutions, financing, learning, co-ordination, external support, participatory planning, and enabling policies. Author(s): Koppen, Barbara Van; Moriarty, Patrick; Boelee, Eline Source(s): , Research report / International water management institute; 98 v, 44 p., ill., tabs…
Assessing the impact of devolution on healthcare and education in Pakistan
Abstract: This report assesses the progress and challenges of effective and efficient service delivery in the health, education, and water sectors, local fiscal roles and responsibilities, and local government accountability and citizen participation under devolution in Pakistan since 2001. Author(s): Nayyar-Stone, Ritu; Hatry, Harry; Peterson, George Source(s): , [58] p., ill., tabs Published: 2006 Urban…
Paradigms of decentralization, institutional design and poverty : drinking water in the Philippines
Abstract: This paper looks at the different paradigms of decentralization for drinking water supply in the Philippines and its effectiveness in poverty alleviation. There is a need for institutional transformation when moving towards more progressive decentralization paradigms. Author(s): Singh, Satyajit Source(s): , Discussion paper series / Philippine institute for development studies (PIDS); 2006-19 28 p.,…
BSF : Basic services fund South Sudan
Abstract: BSF was established in 2005 with the goal to support the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) in expanding primary education, primary health, and water and sanitation services to communities recovering from conflict. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2005 BSF secretariat South Sudan, Tong Ping (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.bsf-south-sudan.org/
Lessons from experiences in decentralising infrastructure & service delivery in rural areas : (Uganda case study)
Abstract: The outcomes of innovations in infrastructure service delivery in rural Uganda as introduced by a District Development Programme in the sectors of health, education, water and sanitation, rural roads and agriculture are evaluated. Author(s): Onyach-Olaa , Martin Source(s): , xi, 53 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2003 Asian development bank (ADB)], [Manila (English ISBN/ISSN:…
The politics of decentralisation and donor funding in South Africa’s rural water sector
Abstract: This study of the impact of donors on decentralization in South Africa shows that decentralization has taken a state-centric form. Western donors failed to promote a more inclusive community-oriented form of decentralization. Author(s): Galvin, Mary; Habib, Adam Source(s): , Journal of Southern African studies; vol. 29, no. 4 p. 865-884 Journal of Southern African…
Lessons on strengthening capacity
Abstract: Podcasts of 5-10 minute interviews with sector professionals sharing the lessons that they have learned on strengthening capacity for local governance in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). The participants are from Uganda, Ghana, Nepal, and Bolivia. Folder also contains text summaries. Author(s): IRC [International Reference Centre For Community Water Supply And Sanitation] Source(s): ,…