Tag: cambodia
Commune-based land allocation for poverty reduction in Cambodia : achievements and lessons learned from the project: Land allocation for social and economic development (LASED)
Abstract: The liberal land reform in Cambodia has produced good results, but has turned out to be quantitatively ineffective in the distribution of state public land for the poor through social land concessions. New instruments are needed, including the regularization of unauthorized land use. Author(s): Müller, Franz-Volker Source(s): , 23 p., ill., maps, tabs Published:…
Innovations for decentralization and local development (IDLD) : Cambodia : final project evaluation by using Special programme implementation review (SPIRE) approach
Abstract: This UNCDF funded project was operational during 2008-2012 and dealt among other things with questions of functional assignments and fiscal decentralization. It is expected that project results with regards to the legal frameworks (planning and finance) are sustainable. Author(s): Land, Gerhard Van ‘t; Pak, Kimchoeun Source(s): , 73 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published:…
Democracy in action : decentralisation in post-conflict Cambodia
Abstract: Democratic decentralisation reform in post-conflict Cambodia has influenced democratization and reconstruction, including reinventing local democratic institutions, reconnecting the central and local government, building political legitimacy, changing political culture and leading to other reforms. Author(s): Kim, Sedara Source(s): , viii, 223 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2012 University of Gothenburg. School for global studies, Gothenburg…
DELGO’SEA : partnership for democratic local governance in Southeast-Asia
Abstract: DELGOSEA was launched in 2010 to create a network for the replication of success stories in local governance between cities and municipalities within Southeast Asia. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2012 Democratic local governance in Southeast-Asia (DELGO’SEA), Manila (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.delgosea.eu/cms/
Common-pool resources, livelihoods, and resilience : critical challenges for governance in Cambodia
Abstract: This paper examines strategic policy choices and governance challenges facing Cambodia‘s forests and fisheries. Policy support for community-based management depends on governance reforms that address issues of stakeholder representation, mechanisms of accountability, and institutional capacity. Author(s): Ratner, Blake D. Source(s): , IFPRI discussion paper; 1149 v, 14 p IFPRI discussion paper 1149 Published: 2011…
Titling against grabbing? : critiques and conundrums around land formalisation in southeast Asia : paper
Abstract: This paper draws on land titling experience in several South-East Asian countries to illustrate some of the problems and the ways in which land titling is understood by different actors vis-a-vis issues of security of tenure. Author(s): Hirsch, Philip Source(s): , 17 p. Published: 2011 Erasmus university Rotterdam (EUR). International institute of social studies…
Real democratization in Cambodia? : an empirical review of the potential of a decentralization reform
Abstract: This article investigates popular perceptions of the evolving decentralization reform and the views of representatives of the commune authorities with the aim of analysing key dimensions of this reform in terms of post-conflict reconstruction, local democratization and local development. Author(s): Öjendal, Joakim; Sedara, Kim Source(s): , Working paper / Swedish International centre for local…
Community operations manual (COM) : guidelines for LEAP field implementation
Abstract: This manual for enabling poor people to organize themselves aims to ensure that all operational activities carried out by the project’s beneficiaries and facilitators will be carried out using a process that is transparent to all participants. Author(s): Ngy Chanphal, H.E. Source(s): , viii, 183 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2011 Livelihood enhancement…