Tag: community participation
Local communities and natural products : a manual for organizing natural resource management groups for resource management planning, enterprise development and integration into value chains
Abstract: This Manual intends to serve the needs of agencies and organizations that are interested in facilitating community organizing, NRM planning and implementation, community-based natural product enterprise development, and the integration of those into rewarding value chains. Author(s): Subedi, Bhishma Source(s): , iv, 61 p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 United States agency for international development…
Why women succeed in local politics : the role of the informal to access leadership positions in Tanzania
Abstract: Local government reform in Tanzania focuses on good governance and decentralization to strengthen decision making at the district level. Women are seriously underrepresented. It was found that a history of community activism and leadership had a positive effect on the formal party selection process. Author(s): Francis, Annie Source(s): , SNV publications; H0702-03 24 p.,…
Does community driven development work? : evidence from Senegal
Abstract: The impact of the World Bank financed PNIR (Programme National d’Infrastructures Rurales) CDD (community driven development) project on access to basic services, household expenditures and child anthropometrics in Senegal was examined. Author(s): Arcand, Jean-Louis; Bassole, Léandre Source(s): , 42 p., ill., graphs, tabs 2nd draft Published: 2007 United nations economic commission for Africa (UNECA)],…
United cities and local governments (UCLG) = Cités et gouvernements locaux unis (CGLU) = Ciudades y gobiernos locales unidos (CGLU)
Abstract: Present in 136 UN members states, UCLG’s members include individual cities and national associations of local governments. It supports democratic local self-government across the globe through international co-operation, programmes, networks and partnerships. Author(s): UCLG Source(s): , Published: 2007 United cities and local governments (UCLG), [Barcelona] (English; Spanish; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.cities-localgovernments.org/
Rural livelihoods, poverty reduction, and food security in Southern Africa : is CBNRM the answer?
Abstract: This paper focuses on the socio-economic benefits of community-based natural resource management and its contributions to rural livelihoods, its impact on poverty and food security, and a comparison with other land use and development options. Author(s): Arntzen, Jaap; Setlhogile, Tshepo; Barnes, Jon Source(s): , v, 35 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2007 International resources…
Green and black gold in rural Cameroon : natural resources for local governance, justice and sustainability
Abstract: This study investigates the effects of forest management decentralization and oil compensation on local governance and local democracy in southern Cameroon. It suggests indicators and dynamics to be taken into account when assessing local governance. Author(s): Oyono, Phil René; Ribot, Jesse C.; Larson, Anne M. Source(s): , Environmental governance in Africa working papers; 22…
A review of community-driven development and its application to the Asian development bank
Abstract: This review provides a clear conceptual summary of CDD and describes the performance of multilateral development banks with CDD. A number of cases from Indonesia, Laos, and Sri Lanka is discussed in detail. Author(s): Tanaka, Sonomi; Singh, Janmejay; Songco, Dan; Maclean, Jay Source(s): , [100] p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2006 Asian development bank…
Multiple-use water services to advance the Millennium development goals
Abstract: Principles for implementing and upscaling multipleuse water services approaches are identifed. They pertain to livelihoods analysis, equity, appropriate technology, community institutions, financing, learning, co-ordination, external support, participatory planning, and enabling policies. Author(s): Koppen, Barbara Van; Moriarty, Patrick; Boelee, Eline Source(s): , Research report / International water management institute; 98 v, 44 p., ill., tabs…
Démystifier la planification : appropriation du processus de développement communal au Bénin
Abstract: This book gives an overview of the proces of decentralization in Benin and describes how communities are empowered to assume full ownershop of the development proces by way of a standard 7-step planning method. Author(s): Weinsou, Claude Guy; Baltissen, Gérard; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , 74 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs, 24 cm Published:…
Environmental governance
Abstract: This chapter reviews the literature on environmental governance in the domains of globalization, decentralization, market and cross-scale governance. Innovations, such as soft governance and co-governance can potentially engage multiple types of environmental problems and conflicts. Author(s): Lemos, Maria Carmen; Agrawal, Arun Source(s): , Annual review of environment and resources; 31 p. 297-325, ill. Annual…