Tag: corrupt practices
Governance & anti-corruption
Abstract: Combining participatory action-oriented learning, capacity-building tools, the World Bank Institute (WBI) supports countries in improving governance and controlling corruption. This integrated approach is supported by operational research and a comprehensive governance databank. Author(s): WBI [World Bank Institute] Source(s): , Published: 2010 World bank institute (WBI), [Washington, DC] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://go.worldbank.org/KUDGZ5E6P0
Decentralization (localization) and corruption : new cross-country evidence
Abstract: Using a sample of 182 countries, the paper demonstrates that decentralization has a negative effect on the incidence of corruption. Political accountability is shown to be more important in combating corruption than exit options through competition among jurisdictions. Author(s): Ivanyna, Maksym; Shah, Anwar Source(s): , International studies program : working paper; 10-10 34 p.,…
Citizen perceptions of local government responsiveness in sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract: This paper examines local government performance from the perspective of ordinary people, with special attention to questions of responsiveness, representation and accountability. The results both confirm and challenge conventional wisdom. Author(s): Bratton, Michael Source(s): , Afrobarometer working papers; 119 ii, 28 p., ill., tabs Afrobarometer working papers 119 Published: 2010 The Institute for democracy…
The illusion of ethics for good local governance in South Africa
Abstract: The practical outcomes of ethical, state-of-the-art legislation in South Africa are rather illusive. The article recommends to conduct on-going fraud risk assessments and sensitize the communities through education and training regarding good governance and the code of ethics. Author(s): Vyas-Doorgapersad, S.; Ababio, E.P. Source(s): , TD : The Journal for transdisciplinary research in Southern…
Fostering social accountability : from principle to practice : guidance note
Abstract: This note provides an overview of the principles of social accountability and provides guidance on how to incorporate the practice of social accountability into programming, illustrated by examples of how it is currently being operationalized in many contexts in different regions. Author(s): Lister, Sarah; Sadasivam, Bharati Source(s): , 46 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010…
Gerrymandering decentralization : political selection of grants-financed local jurisdictions
Abstract: This article describes a model that shows how decentralization in developing countries may fuel vote-buying, patronage, and pork-barrel politics, especially in political economy contexts that are inimical to organization of citizens for the broad public interest. Author(s): Khemani, Stuti Source(s): , 30 p., ill., tab draft Published: 2009 Columbia university. Initiative for policy dialogue…
The pursuit of integrity in customs : experiences from sub-Saharan Africa
Abstract: This paper argues that the reforms have been too focused on formal institutions, and have paid too little attention to political economy issues and the role of informal institutions. Policy initiatives should focus more on reducing the possibility or attraction of favouritism. Author(s): Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge Source(s): , CMI working paper; WP 2009/8 iii, 14…
One size fits all? : decentralization, corruption, and the monitoring of bureaucrats
Abstract: This article analyses the relationship between decentralization, corruption, and freedom of the press. The main finding is that decentralization counteracts corruption in countries with high degrees of press freedom, whereas countries without effective monitoring suffer from decentralization. Author(s): Lessmann, Christian; Markwardt, Gunther Source(s): , CESifo working paper : category 2: public choice; 2662 29…
Deterring corruption and improving governance in road construction and maintenance
Abstract: This sourcebook is meant as a resource to sector practitioners to assess the extent and risks of corruption in the sector and to improve governance in ways that reduce corruption. It outlines the articulation between local and national government transport infrastructure planning. Author(s): Ehrhardt, David; Oliver, Chloë; Kenny, Charles Source(s): , Transport papers; TP-27…