Tag: development assistance
Information on local government in Africa : North-south local government co-operation programme
Abstract: The North-South Local Government Programme is coordinated by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities (AFLRA). It aims to strengthen the capacities of local government to provide basic public services and to promote good governance and local democracy. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Association of Finnish local and regional authorities, Helsinki (English ISBN/ISSN:…
South Sudan : food security and land governance factsheet
Abstract: This factsheet contains information on the regulatory land governance framework in Mozambique, including land tenure forms, the institutional land governance framework, gender, foreign direct investment, land grabbing, national policy, and donor support. Author(s): Heegde, Martijn De; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Porchet, Nicholas Source(s): , 6 p., ill., map, tabs Published: 2011 Land governance for equitable…
Donor program harmonization, aid effectiveness and decentralized governance
Abstract: The case studies from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, and Uganda provide examples of donor harmonization (and the lack thereof) and review the obstacles to harmonization and alignment faced by the development partners working in these specific country contexts. Author(s): Smoke, Paul; Winters, Matthew S. Source(s): , Local governance & decentralisation 23 p…
Project browser
Abstract: The project browser of the Canadian International Development Agency allows all projects to be browsed within the democratic governance sector, including those concerned with decentralization and support to sub-national government, democratic participation and civil society, and public finance. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Canadian international development agency (CIDA), Gatineau (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/cidaweb/cpo.nsf/vWebProjBySectorOfFocusEn?OpenView&SoF=1100&cat=Democratic%20governance&altcat=Gouvernance%20d%E9mocratique&Expand=1#il
Rwanda : food security and land governance factsheet
Abstract: This factsheet contains information on the regulatory land governance framework in Rwanda, including land tenure forms, the institutional land governance framework, gender, foreign direct investment, land grabbing, national policy, and donor support. Author(s): Heegde, Martijn De; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Porchet, Nicholas Source(s): , 8 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Land governance for equitable and…
IDA at work : community-driven development : delivering the results people need
Abstract: IDA’s annual commitments for community-driven development (CDD) amounts to about $1.3 billion. Services financed include water supply and sewage rehabilitation, school and health facilities construction. IDA’s CDD initiatives have achieved improved delivery of public goods and services. Author(s): IDA [International Development Association] Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank. International development association (IDA), Washington, DC…
Non-state actors and local authorities in development
Abstract: This thematic programme “Non-state actors and local authorities in development” aims at encouraging non-state actors and local authorities, both from the EU and in developing countries, to get more involved in development issues. It is a programme of the DG EuropeAid Development and Cooperation. Author(s): EU Source(s): , Published: 2011 European commission (EC), Brussels…
OGF : Oslo governance forum
Abstract: The Forum facilitates exchange of innovative experiences, knowledge and policy options on participatory governance assessments and social accountability among practitioners from UNDP, bilateral organisations, international development, academic institutions, government, and civil society. Author(s): UNDP Source(s): , Published: 2011 United nations development programme (UNDP). Oslo governance centre (OGC), Oslo (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.oslogovernanceforum.org/
Palestinian territories : food security and land governance factsheet
Abstract: This factsheet contains information on the regulatory land governance framework in the Palestinian territories, including land tenure forms, the institutional land governance framework, gender, foreign direct investment, land grabbing, national policy, and donor support. Author(s): Heegde, Martijn De; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Porchet, Nicholas Source(s): , 4 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Land governance for…
Governance for development in Africa : building on what works
Abstract: Part of the African failure in governance may be due to the application of a ‘good governance agenda’ that is ideological rather than evidence-based. The Africa Power and Politics Programme argues that it is time for more realistic and effective ways to approach institutional change in Africa. Author(s): Booth, David Source(s): , Policy brief…