Tag: environmental management
The roles and responsibilities in natural resources and environmental management of local government in Thailand
Abstract: This study identifies cases of Thai local government initiatives that have occurred during the recent decentralization since 1999. It further describes the role and responsibilities in natural resource and environmental management of local government. Author(s): Jansamood, Chaitach Source(s): , The Social sciences; Vol. 7, No. 1 p. 16-19 The Social sciences Vol. 7, No.…
Solid waste management in small island destinations : a case study of Gili Trawangan, Indonesia
Abstract: The local government of a small tourist island near Bali, Indonesia, has addressed its waste management problem with a multi-stakeholder partnership involving a community organization and an environmental NGO. Initiatives included source separation, expansion of collection services, and education. Author(s): Willmott, Lacey; Graci, Sonya R. Source(s): , Téoros; special issue p. 71-76 Téoros special…
CIPEC : Center for the study of institutions, population and environmental change
Abstract: CIPEC studies processes of change in forest environments as mediated by institutional arrangements, demographic factors, and other major human driving forces. CIPEC activities include interdisciplinary training and research. Its focus is on the Western Hemisphere. Author(s): Indiana University Source(s): , Published: 2011 Indiana university, Bloomington, IN [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.indiana.edu/~cipec/
Abstract: FRAME is a peer-to-peer network of Natural Resource Management practitioners, facilitating knowledge transfer and relationships building, enabling members to grow best practices around development challenges. Author(s): USAID Source(s): , Published: 2011 United States agency for international development (USAID), [Washington, DC] (English; French; Spanish ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.frameweb.org/
Bucking the Kuznets curve : designing effective environmental regulation in developing countries
Abstract: The quality and type of environmental regulation plays an important role in determining regulatory effectiveness. The authors also discuss the pros and cons of decentralized governance. Much depends on the capacity of the different levels of governance. Author(s): Faure, Michael; Goodwin, Morag; Weber, Franziska Source(s): , Virginia journal of international law (VJIL); Vol. 51,…
Commission on environmental, economic and social policy (CEESP)
Abstract: CEESP, the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy, is a professional network that provides guidance and support towards effective policies and practices in environmental and biodiversity conservation, natural resources management, and sustainable development. Author(s): IUCN Source(s): , Published: 2010 International union for conservation of nature and natural resources (IUCN). Commission on environmental,…
The effects of rural land certification in securing land rights : a case of Amhara region, Ethiopia
Abstract: The impact of a government certification programme on land improvement was examined, using the case of Fagetalekoma in Amhara, Ethiopia. There were positive effects on women land rights, tree planting, terracing, and applying manure. No significant effect has been observed on farm productivity. Author(s): Belay, Assefa Source(s): , viii, 65 p., ill., graphs, maps,…
Repertoires of domination in decentralization : cases from Botswana and Senegal
Abstract: Government officials, local elites, and commercial interests in Botswana and Senegal have used their so-called repertoires of domination to limit the extent of local-level democratization achieved through the decentralization of natural resource management. Author(s): Poteete, Amy R.; Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , 36 p. draft Published: 2009 Indiana university. Digital library of the commons…
Centre for development innovation (CDI)
Abstract: The Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) is a unit of Wageningen University & Research centre that works on processes of innovation and change in the areas of secure and healthy food, adaptive agriculture, sustainable markets and ecosystem governance. Author(s): WUR Source(s): , Published: 2009 Wageningen UR (WUR). Centre for development innovation (CDI), Wageningen (English…
Making decentralized coastal zone management work in Indonesia : case studies of Kabupaten Konawe and Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan
Abstract: This dissertation calls for better understanding of the role of various forms of accountability in decentralized coastal zone management in Indonesia, and its linkage with local-central governance arrangements. Author(s): Siry, Hendra Yusran Source(s): , xxvi, 367 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2009 Australian national university (ANU), Canberra (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://dspace.anu.edu.au/bitstream/1885/49360/2/02whole.pdf.pdf