Tag: evaluation
Perceptions about municipal governance in the post-1996 era : the case of Thulamela local municipality
Abstract: An assessment of stakeholder perceptions on effective municipal governance confirms that the necessary structures and systems are in place for effective governance, but poor communication creates negative perceptions. Introduction of the scorecard is recommended. Author(s): Netswera, Fulufhelo G.; Phago, Kedibone G. Source(s): , Africa insight; vol. 41, no. 2 p. 130-141, ill., tabs Africa…
Success and failure of local e-government projects : lessons learned from Egypt
Abstract: The information systems success model was used to examine local e-government in Egypt. The model uses six success variables: information quality, system quality, service quality, use, user satisfaction, and perceived net benefit. Author(s): Abdelsalam, Hisham; Reddick, Christopher G.; ElKadi, Hatem Source(s): , 21 p., ill., map, tabs Published: 2011 Cairo university. Faculty of computers…
Participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation : [dossier]
Abstract: This KIT dossier deals with participatory approaches to local development planning, monitoring and evaluation in the context of decentralization and local governance. Issues include community and local government development planning, local revenue mobilization, and plan implementation. Author(s): KIT Source(s): , Published: 2010 Royal tropical institute (KIT), Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.kit.nl/-/FAB/30/335.html
Local governance and decentralization
Abstract: This section of the Governance Assessment Portal (GAP) of the UNDP provides resources on local governance assessment. Local governance indicators may inform local policy and strengthen local accountability. Author(s): UNDP Source(s): , Published: 2010 United nations development programme (UNDP), New York, NY [etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.gaportal.org/areas-of-governance/local-governance-and-decentralization
Documents & reports
Abstract: A bibliographic database of policy papers, project documents, reviews, evaluations, and brochures on local development in UNCDF supported countries. Author(s): UNCDF Source(s): , Published: 2010 United nations capital development fund (UNCDF), New York, NY (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.uncdf.org/en/media-center
When does rigorous impact evaluation make a difference? : the case of the Millennium villages
Abstract: Rigorous evaluation of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) shows that estimates of the project’s effects depend heavily on the evaluation method. Weaknesses include the subjective choice of intervention sites. Inexpensive improvements are suggested. Author(s): Clemens, Michael A.; Demombynes, Gabriel Source(s): , Policy research working paper; 5477 51 p., ill., graphs, tabs Policy research working…
Performance in government : the evolving system of performance and evaluation measurement, monitoring, and management in the United Kingdom
Abstract: This Evaluation Capacity Development paper on the evolution and current state of the Public Service Agreements System in UK may be of benefit to officials involved in similar tasks in developing countries. Special emphasis is placed on success factors and institutional aspects. Author(s): Talbot, Colin Source(s): , Evaluation capacity development : ECD working paper…
Measuring empowerment? : ask them : quantifying qualitative outcomes from people’s own analysis : insights for results-based management from the experience of a social movement in Bangladesh
Abstract: This paper presents the experience of a social movement in Bangladesh, which found a way to measure empowerment by letting the members themselves explain what benefits they acquired from involvement and by developing a means to measure change over time. Author(s): Jupp, Dee; Ali, Sohel Ibn; Barahona, Carlos Source(s): , Sida studies in evaluation;…
Local government councils performance and quality of service delivery in Uganda : Luwero district council score-card 2008/09
Abstract: Luwero District Council in Uganda was the first to be assessed using the new score-card methodology. District performance and the quality of public services was assessed and recommendations for improvement were provided. Capacity building, budgeting, and development planning need more attention. Author(s): Muyomba-Tamale, Lillian Source(s): , ACODE policy research paper series; 38 iv, 58…