Tag: guidelines
Participants’ kit : harmonisation, decentralisation and local governance : prepared on behalf of the informal Development partners working group on local governance and decentralisation (DPWG-LGD)
Abstract: This training kit gives an overview of the state-of-the-art knowledge on harmonization, decentralization and local governance that are essential for understanding how local governance and decentralisation processes can be designed, supported and monitored in a harmonised manner. Author(s): Loquai, Christiane Source(s): , 156 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Train4dev.net, [Wageningen] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
Social accountability sourcebook : [strengthening the demand side of governance and service delivery]
Abstract: This sourcebook provides an analytical framework, an overview of the main concepts and definitions, tools and methods, case studies from different regions (including Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean), sectoral and thematic applications, and knowledge and learning resources. Author(s): Forster, Reiner Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank]. Social development department, [Washington, DC (English…
Toolkit on accountable and transparent service delivery at a local level : about participatory mechanisms and civil society interventions
Abstract: The toolkit provides its readers with practical examples and useful tools and tips on how to include participatory mechanisms in the daily work of local governments and civil society organizations with a view to increase accountability and transparency. Author(s): Starovlah, Vanja; Premovic, Dijana Source(s): , 51 p., ill. Published: 2011 Ministry of foreign affairs…
Revised ITTO guidelines for the sustainable management of natural tropical forests : full report
Abstract: These guidelines provide framework and management principles for the sustainable management of natural tropical forests, including forest governance, land use planning, tenure, inclusive decision-making, and regional and international commitments. Author(s): Blaser, Jürgen; Sabogal, Cesar Source(s): , 114 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 International tropical timber organization] (ITTO), [Yokohama (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.itto.int/files/user/pdf/RFM-5%20-FUll%20Report%20of%20%20Revised%20SFM%20Guidelines-with%20list%20of%20acronyms.pdf
Local economic development in sub-Saharan Africa : defining potential roles for national government : review
Abstract: This article examines the functions that can be assumed by national governments in support of LED programming, including furnishing a coherent framework and guidelines for local planning affecting business development. Recommendations for energizing LED processes in Africa are provided. Author(s): Rogerson, C.M. Source(s): , African journal of business management; Vol. 5, No. 30 p.…
Rapid feedback : the role of community scorecards in improving service delivery : dealing with governance and corruption risks in project lending
Abstract: Community Score Card initiatives are typified by a number of common characteristics including: the use of a simple and low cost implementation framework; promoting community ownership and empowerment; and providing service providers with direct feedback. Author(s): Post, David; Agarwal, Sanjay; Venugopal, Varsha Source(s): , How-to notes 16 p., ill., tabs How-to notes Published: 2011…
Community operations manual (COM) : guidelines for LEAP field implementation
Abstract: This manual for enabling poor people to organize themselves aims to ensure that all operational activities carried out by the project’s beneficiaries and facilitators will be carried out using a process that is transparent to all participants. Author(s): Ngy Chanphal, H.E. Source(s): , viii, 183 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2011 Livelihood enhancement…
Spotlight on publications : participatory budgeting
Abstract: This short bibliography highlights some of the latest and most relevant publications on the topic in Latin America, including Country Case Studies, Multi-Country Surveys and Implementation Guides. Author(s): Source(s): , Spotlight on knowledge 3:00 PM Spotlight on knowledge Published: 2011 Evidence and lessons from Latin America (ELLA), [London] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://ella.practicalaction.org/sites/default/files/111129_GOV_BudPubPol_SPOTKNOW3_0.pdf
Performance management including measurement, monitoring and evaluation : a management guide for African public service managers
Abstract: As part of the operationalization of the long term strategy of the African governance and public administration programme, this guide was prepared to improve performance management and measurements systems and practices including monitoring and evaluation. Author(s): Source(s): , viii, 32 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 Conference of African ministers of public service (CAMPS), Nairobi…