Tag: indonesia
Third national program for community empowerment in rural areas (PNPM-rural)
Abstract: Rural PNPM Mandiri is a core part of PNPM Mandiri and is developed from the Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) launched in 1998. The Rural PNPM Mandiri overall objective is to reduce poverty and improve local-level governance in rural areas of Indonesia, using a participatory planning process. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World…
Indonesia Kecamatan development program
Abstract: The Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) was a national Government of Indonesia program that aimed at alleviating poverty, strengthening local government and community institutions, and improving local governance. It ran from 1998 to 2009. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank, Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://go.worldbank.org/3THYNMRD00
Improving educational quality through enhancing community participation : results from a randomised field experiment in Indonesia
Abstract: The effect of four approaches to strengthening school committees and subsequently improving learning outcomes in public primary schools in Indonesia was evaluated. Linkage (= facilitated collaboration between the school committee and the village council) was found to be the most cost effective. Author(s): Pradhan, Menno Source(s): , 48 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011…
Donor program harmonization, aid effectiveness and decentralized governance
Abstract: The case studies from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, and Uganda provide examples of donor harmonization (and the lack thereof) and review the obstacles to harmonization and alignment faced by the development partners working in these specific country contexts. Author(s): Smoke, Paul; Winters, Matthew S. Source(s): , Local governance & decentralisation 23 p…
Improving the implementation of health workforce policies through governance : a review of case studies
Abstract: A study of 4 governance dimensions (including performance, which has an important decentralization component) on human resources for health (HRH) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Governance to improve HRH must be viewed as inseparable from the wider health system and state governance. Author(s): Dieleman, Maria Areke; Shaw, Daniel M.P.; Zwanikken, Prisca Source(s): ,…
E-government adoption in developing countries : the case of Indonesia
Abstract: An online survey of the willingness to use e-government services was conducted in Indonesia. The fact that 93 % of the respondents indicated that they intend to adopt e-government may stimulate central and local governments to develop better e-government for Indonsia’s 45 million Internet users. Author(s): Rokhman, Ali Source(s): , Journal of emerging trends…
The application of public asset management in Indonesian local government : a case study in south Sulawesi province
Abstract: The problems faced by local government in applying a public asset management framework were examined, using a case from South Sulawesi, Indonesia. They include the absence of an institutional and legal framework, the non-profit principle of public assets, and the non-availability of data. Author(s): Hanis, Muhammad Hasbi; Trigunarsyah, Bambang; Susilawati, Connie Source(s): , Journal…
Community-driven development in post-conflict and conflict-affected areas : experiences from east Asia : background paper for the 2011 World development report
Abstract: This paper provides a framework for assessing the impacts of (Community-Driven Development) CDD projects in post-conflict and conflict-affected areas. A major set of challenges relates to the impact of violent conflict on the capacity and legitimacy of institutions at multiple levels. Author(s): Barron, Patrick Source(s): , Discussion papers / World bank vi, 31 p.,…
Choice, recognition and the democracy effects of decentralization
Abstract: Often large development agencies choose to work with a wide range of other local interlocutors, including deconcentrated agents, private bodies, customary authorities, and NGOs. As a result, fledgling local governments are receiving few public powers and face competition for legitimacy. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , Working paper / Swedish International centre for local…
Modeling customary land tenure within the national land administration using the social tenure domain model (case study Ulayat land in Minangkabau community, West Sumatra, Indonesia)
Abstract: The case of Minangkabau customary law was used to develop an assimilation approach that could accommodate the various systems of customary tenure of Indonesia within the National Land Administration System (NLAS). The Social Tenure Domain Model has been used as a standard to develop this model. Author(s): Guspriadi, Teddi Source(s): , vii, 72 p.,…