Tag: information technology
Application and validation the land administration domain model in a real life situation : (a case study in Indonesia)
Abstract: A prototype was built to validate the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) as the national standard model for Indonesia. Validity was demonstrated, although some questions remain: several LADM concepts are not yet used, while others cannot be adopted. Author(s): Sucaya, I Ketut Gede Ary Source(s): , ix, 92 p., ill., maps, tabs Published: 2009…
Land management information systems in the knowledge economy : discussion and guiding principles for Africa
Abstract: A symposium on land information management (LIM) systems in Africa was held in Addis Adaba in December, 2006. Papers included: (1) the status of the cadaster in Nigeria; (2) LIM, e-readiness, and the knowledge economy; and (3) facilitating pro-poor land management and land administration. Author(s): UNECA Source(s): , x, 294 p., ill., graphs, maps,…
Sub-national e-Government strategy [for the Republic of Namibia]
Abstract: This strategy document of the Ministry of Regional and Local Government in Namibia outlines the principles to be applied in the e-Government development process: (1) inclusiveness; (2) good governance (participation, accountability); (3) organizational change; (4) added value; and (5) security. Author(s): Namibia Source(s): , 32 p., ill., tabs final draft Published: 2008 Ministry of…
Dilemmas for decentralization of geo-information technology at local level towards a local SDI in Peru
Abstract: This study explores the decentralization process in Peru and the influence of GIS technology diffusion at local level within this process. The critical conditions for implementing geo-information technology at the local level in a local special data infrastructure in Peru are determined. Author(s): Mendo Campos, Claudia Consuelo Source(s): , vii, 69 p., ill., maps,…
Information professionals in the south Asian region : the challenges ahead
Abstract: In the face of the emerging trend of economic globalization and the information technology (IT) revolution, many Indian and South Asian library professionals recognize the current realities and the need to adopt many of the strategies of their western colleagues. Author(s): Goswami, P.R.; Jain, P.K. Source(s): , Bulletin / American society for information science…
E-service delivery : a manual for delivering e-services as a local government in the digital information society
Abstract: Offers an overview on how to implement and deliver e-services successfully. Includes four best practices of the development of effective and efficient e-service delivery. Author(s): Voogd, Mark Source(s): , 72 p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 VNG international, The Hague (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.vng-international.nl/fileadmin/user_upload/downloads/publicationsAndTools/E-Service_Delivery.pdf
Local governance and ICTs research network for Africa (LOG-IN Africa) = Le réseau de la gouvernance locale et de recherches en TICs pour l’Afrique
Abstract: LOG-IN Africa is a African network of researchers from Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda, which will assess the current state of e-local governance initiatives in Africa, and in particular how ICTs are being used to realize good local governance. Author(s): CAFRAD Source(s): , Published: 2006 African training and research…
Reengineering of a land information system (LIS) for the Vietnamese land administration
Abstract: A new model for land information in Vietnam was developed, whereby databases are maintained at the provincial level to gather and update information for the national database and provide copies on paper, disk, or tape to the district and commune levels for use and feedback. Author(s): Tuan, Vo Anh Source(s): , xi, 111 p.,…
PGIS’s relevance, applicability and conditions in local rural development : a case study with village development planning in Bach Ma national park buffer zone, Vietnam
Abstract: The relevance of participatory GIS (PGIS) for developing countries was examined, especially in relation to village development planning in Vietnam. The need for keeping the local community’s needs in mind is emphasized. The relation of PGIS to rural development is not always straightforward. Author(s): Nguyen Thuy Trang Source(s): , vi, 102 p., ill., graphs,…