Tag: malawi
Local governance and community action : how poor and marginalized people can achieve change
Abstract: Case studies from Nepal, Malawi, Kenya, Viet Nam and Tanzania show how local governance dynamics are central to the process of change that enable people to claim their rights. A thorough analysis of local power relations can inform approaches to increase the probability of bringing about change. Author(s): Rowlands, Jo; Gaag, Nikki Van Der…
Citizen voice and state accountability : towards theories of change that embrace contextual dynamics
Abstract: The question of ‘what works under what circumstances’ informs this study of citizen voice and accountability in different governance contexts in Africa. One key factor is finding the right incentives to mobilize citizens’ voice while also generating incentives for government institutions. Author(s): Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , Working paper / Overseas development institute; 343 vi,…
Strengthening citizen demand for good governance : making it happen through Liu Lathu pilot projects in Malawi
Abstract: This paper draws lessons from case studies of governance and transparency projects which are being implemented by various civil society and media organizations aimed at strengthening citizen demand and accountability in Malawi. Capacity building and theory of change approaches are reviewed. Author(s): Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine; Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , Mwananchi working paper; 2 43…
Support to local problem-solving : lessons from peri-urban Malawi
Abstract: Research undertaken between 2008 and 2011 explored local governance of public goods delivery in a number of peri-urban areas in Malawi. It is time to build on what is working on the ground in Malawi and other parts of Africa, using a just-enough approach rather than Western best practice. Author(s): Cammack, Diana Source(s): ,…
Yes Africa can : success stories from a dynamic continent
Abstract: This book with success stories from Africa contains two chapters on different aspects of local governance from Sierra Leone (post-conflict recontruction) and Rwanda (health financing). Author(s): Chuhan-Pole, Punam; Angwafo, Manka Source(s): , xiii, 477 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2011 World bank, Washington, DC (English ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-8213-8746-7/ Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1596/978-0-8213-8745-0
Malawi : effective delivery of public education services : discussion paper : a review
Abstract: The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) of Malawi adopted a decentralization programme in 2005. However, decentralization is far from being realized as there is no political will to drive it. National priorities are not clearly spelled out in the district education plans (DEPs). Author(s): Ng’ambi, Francis Source(s): , 20 p. Published: 2011…
Choice, recognition and the democracy effects of decentralization
Abstract: Often large development agencies choose to work with a wide range of other local interlocutors, including deconcentrated agents, private bodies, customary authorities, and NGOs. As a result, fledgling local governments are receiving few public powers and face competition for legitimacy. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse C. Source(s): , Working paper / Swedish International centre for local…
Annual World bank conference on land and poverty : conference agenda
Abstract: The theme of the 2011 conference was “Countries strengthen land governance”. In a period of land grabbing, better land governance can encourage investment, steer urban growth and improve social welfare. It also helps countries overcome a legacy of inequality, dispossession and conflict. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank, Washington, DC (English…
Decentralization as a breeding ground for conflicts : an analysis of institutional conflicts in Malawi’s decentralized system
Abstract: This article examines the impacts of poorly designed decentralization programmes on institutional conflicts in Malawi, e.g. between the central government and local governments, between councillors and members of parliament, between traditional authorities and councillors, and among councillors. Author(s): Tambulasi, Richard I.C. Source(s): , Journal of administration & governance (JOAAG); Vol. 4, No. 2 p.…