Tag: mali
Building capacity for decentralized local development in Chad : civil society groups and the role of nonformal adult education
Abstract: The lack of local capacity to capitalize on the potential of decentralization in Chad was investigated and the role that intermediate NGOs are beginning to play for local capacity development in the Sahelian region was examined. Author(s): Liebert, Gary P. Source(s): , viii, 222 p., ill., tabs, 22 cm facs Published: 2007 UMI, Ann…
Building capacities for monitoring and evaluating decentralisation and local governance : experiences, challenges, perspectives
Abstract: Drawing on the results from action research conducted in six African countries, the authors discuss experiences and challenges in developing local capacities to monitor and evaluate decentralization and local governance processes. Author(s): Loquai, Christiane; Le Bay, Sonia Source(s): , InBrief; 19 16 p., ill., maps, tabs InBrief 19 Published: 2007 European centre for development…
Genre et planification communale : expériences du Bénin, du Mali et du Niger
Abstract: This report provides an overview of experiences from Benin, Mali, and Niger with regard to supporting the integration of the gender dimension in the local planning process following the decentralization reform in these countries. Author(s): Asare-Kokou, Sabine; Baltissen, Gérard; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , vii, 43 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2007 Stichting Nederlandse…
PenserPourAgir : rendez-vous des acteurs de développement en Afrique : analyser, préparer, agir, témoigner …
Abstract: The network «Réussir la Décentralisation Mali» is composed of consultants, civil society organizations, development partners, and research departments. It aims to inform and influence government policies for decentralization and natural resource management. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2006 Axe formation, Bamako (French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://penserpouragir.org/rubrique22.html
Democratization in Mali : putting history to work
Abstract: The reasons for success and weaknesses of democracy in Mali as seen both by national and foreign observers are described with special attention to the status of Islam and to the rebellious north. Author(s): Pringle, Robert Source(s): , Peaceworks; 58 77 p., ill., maps, tabs Peaceworks 58 Published: 2006 United States institute of peace…
Building effective local partnerships for improved basic social services delivery in Mali
Abstract: The opportunities for tri-partite partnerships involving local governments, the Ministry of Health, and civil society organizations involved in the management of community health centres are analysed, using the case of Dioïla district, Mali. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , iii, 32 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2005 Royal tropical institute (KIT) [etc.], Amsterdam [etc.]…
Implementing decentralisation in Mali : the experiences of two rural municipalities in southern Mali
Abstract: This study documents and analyses the evolution of rural decentralization in Mali since 1999. It assesses how the municipalities’ origins and social capital have affected their internal dynamics and achievements and suggests how decentralization can be made to work for rural people. Author(s): Coulibaly, Amadi; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , Issue paper / IIED;…
The myths and realities of local governance in Sanankoroba, Mali
Abstract: The impact of decentralization on local governance in Mali is examined, using the case of land allocation in the rural municipality of Sanankoroba. Problems include lack of finance, poor accountability, elite capture, corruption, and vote catching. Author(s): Djiré, Moussa Source(s): , Issue paper / Drylands programme, International institute for environment and development (IIED); 130…
Decentralisation in Mali : putting policy into practice
Abstract: This bulletin describes the rationale for and foundations of decentralisation in Mali, the institutional support arrangements and the first achievements of the process at local level, as well as the issues and challenges arising from this process. Author(s): Diarra, Souleymane; Lubbock, Jean Source(s): , Bulletin / Royal tropical institute; 362Decentralisation and local governance 78…
Lands of the poor : local environmental governance and the decentralized management of natural resources
Abstract: This paper argues that good, local-level mechanisms for environmental governance are likely to lead to productive natural resource management practices that improve the productivity of local rural economies. At the same time they can enhance local responsibility, accountability and local democracy. Author(s): Bonfiglioli, Angelo Source(s): , viii, 150 p., ill. Published: 2004 United nations…