Tag: niger
Women’s empowerment and good governance through community radio : best experiences for an action research process
Abstract: This collection of articles seeks to contribute to the impact of community radio on governance issues especially related to gender equality and women’s rights. The publication is part of a two-year participatory action research process to address the challenges to women’s participation in democracy. Author(s): Solervicens, Marcelo Source(s): , [136] p., ill., tabs Published:…
Local governance institutions for sustainable natural resource management in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger
Abstract: Experiences with natural resources management for the purpose of food and income generation are analysed, using cases from Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. Particular attention is paid to customary arrangements, projects interventions, and decentralization. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , KIT working papers series; G1 iii, 25 p., ill., tabs KIT working papers series…
Assessing decentralisation and local governance in West Africa : taking stock of strengthening the monitoring and evaluation capacity of local actors
Abstract: This document examines a number of initiatives to build the capacity of local stakeholders to monitor and evaluate decentralisation and local governance processes in a participatory way. Incl. case studies from Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali and Niger. Author(s): Le Bay, Sonia; Loquai, Christiane Source(s): , 271 p., ill., maps, tabs, 25 cm Published: 2008…
Women as political actors : formal criteria and informal dynamics in electing women councillors in Niger
Abstract: A quota system for women was used in the municipal council elections in Niger to enhance the representation of women councillors. This demonstrates that the decentralization process can provide women with a better access to local politics. Author(s): Tegels, José; Abdou, Maïmouna Source(s): , SNV publications; H0702-04 24 p., ill., tabs SNV publications H0702-04…
Building capacities for monitoring and evaluating decentralisation and local governance : experiences, challenges, perspectives
Abstract: Drawing on the results from action research conducted in six African countries, the authors discuss experiences and challenges in developing local capacities to monitor and evaluate decentralization and local governance processes. Author(s): Loquai, Christiane; Le Bay, Sonia Source(s): , InBrief; 19 16 p., ill., maps, tabs InBrief 19 Published: 2007 European centre for development…
La contribution des collectivités territoriales à l’atteinte des objectifs du millénaire pour le développement : quelques expériences au Niger
Abstract: This report provides a historical background of decentralization in Niger and examines to what extent popular or community participation has been able to contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Author(s): Sène, Gaoussou; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , 65 p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 Institut royal des tropiques (KIT) [etc.], Amsterdam [etc.] (French ISBN/ISSN:…
Genre et planification communale : expériences du Bénin, du Mali et du Niger
Abstract: This report provides an overview of experiences from Benin, Mali, and Niger with regard to supporting the integration of the gender dimension in the local planning process following the decentralization reform in these countries. Author(s): Asare-Kokou, Sabine; Baltissen, Gérard; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , vii, 43 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2007 Stichting Nederlandse…
Des pouvoirs locaux dans l’attente de la décentralisation au Niger
Abstract: Decentralization in Niger is lagging. This article provides an overview of the situation and actors before its introduction. Author(s): Olivier De Sardan, Jean-Pierre Source(s): Décentralisation et pouvoirs en Afrique : en contrepoint, modèles territoriaux français, p. 407-426 Colloques et séminaires Published: 2006 Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), Paris (French ISBN/ISSN: /0767-2896 Link:…
Lands of the poor : local environmental governance and the decentralized management of natural resources
Abstract: This paper argues that good, local-level mechanisms for environmental governance are likely to lead to productive natural resource management practices that improve the productivity of local rural economies. At the same time they can enhance local responsibility, accountability and local democracy. Author(s): Bonfiglioli, Angelo Source(s): , viii, 150 p., ill. Published: 2004 United nations…