Tag: Public administration
Monitoring tenure security within the continuum of land rights : methods and practices : paper
Abstract: The article presents a methodology for operationalizing the concept of a continuum of tenure security. Three levels are distinguished: individual or household, community or settlement, and legal and policy. It shows there is more than one route to achieving tenure security. Author(s): Sietchiping, Remy Source(s): , 19 p., ill. Published: 2012 [United nations human…
Decentralized service delivery in Nairobi and Mombasa : policies, politics and inter-governmental relations
Abstract: Despite decentralization, poor service delivery continues to be problematic in the two largest cities of Kenya. A proliferation of actors with overlapping mandates, opaque development frameworks, and intra- and inter-party politics remain major obstacles to providing critical services. Author(s): Mitullah, Winnie V. Source(s): , Working paper / UNU-WIDER; 2012/92 20 p., ill., graphs, tabs…
Central and local governments as land regulators, owners and managers : who is doing what?
Abstract: This practice-oriented paper reviews typical issues and challenges of the imperfect distribution of roles between the central and local governments. The paper also outlines better methods to respond to some these challenges. The key provisions to stipulate in national laws are annexed. Author(s): Kaganova, Olga Source(s): , 32 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 World…
Dimension of decentralization process and rural local government in India : a comparison with Bangladesh
Abstract: Lessons are learned from the decentralization process at the middle-tier of rural administration in India for possible adoption by the middle-tier (Upazila Parzlrhad) in Bangladesh. In India, the three tiers of rural administration are cooperative, because roles and functions are clearly specified. Author(s): Islam, Md. Taufiqul; Fujita, Koichi Source(s): , Kyoto working papers on…
Innovative approaches to land governance and programme management : a contractors view
Abstract: This paper makes a case for a more integrated and strategic approach to land governance taking in all of the main elements of land governance under a single programme. The case is based on three major integrated land programmes implemented between 2000 and 2013 in Guyana, Rwanda and Mozambique. Author(s): English, Clive; Edwards, Owen…
Increasing tenure security in northern Uganda : how to use external support for strengthening bottom up approaches
Abstract: This paper presents innovative land rights documentation in northern Uganda, where customary tenure systems prevail. These include documenting transactions, demarcation of field boundaries and using Certificates of Customary Ownership, Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms and legal literacy. Author(s): Zevenbergen, Jaap; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Nsamba-Gayiiya, Eddie Source(s): , 21 p. Published: 2012 World bank, Washington, DC…
Decentralization and school management in Namibia : the ideologies of education bureaucrats in implementing government policies : research article
Abstract: This paper examines the ideologies of school inspectors, principals, and teachers in the implementation of decentralized, cluster-based educational change in post-Apartheid Namibia. It shows that the worldviews of the educationists can be characterized as authoritarian, bureaucratic, and managerial. Author(s): Pomuti, Hertha; Weber, Everard Source(s): , ISRN education; Article ID 731072 8:00 PM ISRN education…
Accountability in local government revenue management : who does what?
Abstract: Using financial responsibility charting, this study found that the members of the Asante Akim South District Assembly in Ghana who are supposed to hold others accountable do not have a fair understanding of the responsibilities of the core staff in the financial management chain. Author(s): Akudugu, Jonas Ayaribilla Source(s): , Information and knowledge management;…