Tag: water supply
Models of governance for rural water supply : the case of Namibia
Abstract: This paper studies approaches which have been adopted for the governance of water supply to rural communities in Namibia and explores the linkages with global factors contributing to the shaping of national and local governance models. The focus is on historical and institutional aspects. Author(s): Hjálmarsdóttir, Erla Hlín Source(s): , p. 25-35 Published: 2011…
[Local government action
Abstract: This website provides access to a number of resource documents for local action with regard to water budgeting, housing, sanitation, and the right to protest. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Local government action], [S.l. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.localgovernmentaction.org/
IDA at work : community-driven development : delivering the results people need
Abstract: IDA’s annual commitments for community-driven development (CDD) amounts to about $1.3 billion. Services financed include water supply and sewage rehabilitation, school and health facilities construction. IDA’s CDD initiatives have achieved improved delivery of public goods and services. Author(s): IDA [International Development Association] Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank. International development association (IDA), Washington, DC…
VNG international’s Local government capacity programme
Abstract: The 2012-2016 plan for the Local Government Capacity Programme (LGCP) Programme of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG) is outlined. The consequences of the new priorities of Dutch international development policy (water, agriculture, security, reproductive health) are highlighted. Author(s): VNG Source(s): , 10 p., ill., tabs Published: 2011 VNG international, The Hague (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Household preferences and governance of water services : a hedonic analysis from rural Guatemala
Abstract: This report finds that rural households in Guatemala value municipal water services but are indifferent between not having piped water and being connected to a private system. The estimated value of community-managed services is negative, suggesting they have an aversion to them. Author(s): Vásquez, William F. Source(s): , IFPRI discussion paper; 1152 vi, 16…
Analysis of basic service governance and the role of local authorities in improving service delivery
Abstract: A study was conducted in Libya, Sudan, Mauritania, Congo (Brazzaville), and Tanzania on the governance and provision of basic services. The aim was to understand how service delivery can be improved and how local government meet challenges and improve access. Author(s): Sutcliffe, Michael; Bannister, Sue Source(s): , UCLG GOLD : Africa report; III ,…
What makes the Bangladesh Local government engineering department (LGED) so effective? : complementarity between LGED capacity and donor capacity development support : revisiting the capacity development approach through comparative case analysis
Abstract: LGED is the organization in charge of planning and implementing rural, urban and small scale water resources infrastructure development projects in Bangladesh. It also provides technical support to local government institutions and stakeholder capacity building. Author(s): Fujita, Yasuo Source(s): , JICA-RI working paper; 27 49 p., ill., tabs JICA-RI working paper 27 Published: 2011…
Integrated water resources management and impact at the community level in Rwanda
Abstract: A study of integrated water resources management (IWRM) at the national, local, and community levels in Rwanda showed the need to establish mechanisms for stakeholder dialogue while interests are still similar. The greatest impact towards IWRM may be achieved at the local government level. Author(s): Ogden, Stephanie Source(s): , Water resources IMPACT; Vol. 13,…
Decentralized cooperation and management of urban services in southern countries : an application on water supply services in Senegal
Abstract: Institutional economics and collective action theories are used to show that a new urban water supply model based on decentralized cooperation and a strengthening of local authorities capabilities is the only way to improve access at low prices, especially for poor urban dwellers. Author(s): Cissé, Arona Source(s): , 6 p. Published: 2011 Hyper articles…