Decentralizing agricultural extension : lessons and good practice
Abstract: Field extension advisory services are well suited to decentralized approaches, but a comprehensive extension system requires a range of extension support services and programs, some of which (strategy formulation, training, M&E) are often best carried out at the central level. Author(s): Alex, Gary; World Bank Source(s): , v, 16 p., ill., tabs Published: 2000…
Capacity.org : a gateway on capacity development : [e-journal] / European centre for development policy management
Abstract: Capacity.org is a web magazine-cum-portal for practitioners and policy makers working on capacity development in international cooperation in the South. Author(s): ECDPM Source(s): , Published: 1999 European centre for development policy management (ECDPM), Maastricht (English; Spanish; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.capacity.org/en/journal/archives/(offset)/30
YI : Youth initiative
Abstract: YI is one of the leading youth organisations working in the field of youth empowerment, strengthening of student and youth politics, promotion of civic engagement, democratisation and human rights in Nepal. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 1999 Youth initiative (YI), Kathmandu (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://youthinitiative.org.np/contact
Toward a political-economy of local governance in Africa : policies, institutions, interests and consequences
Abstract: This paper is an attempt to develop and explore a model of what might be called the ‘political economy’ of local governance in Africa, and how it affects several of the policies and institutions used to organize key aspects of decentralization and local governance. Author(s): Wunsch, James S. Source(s): , 28 p. Published: 1999…
The new public management in developing countries
Abstract: The differences between management decentralization and political decentralization are outlined and their relationship to new public management (NPM) reforms is discussed. Author(s): Polidano, Charles Source(s): , Public policy and management working paper series; 13 37 p., 30 cm Public policy and management working paper series 13 Published: 1999 University of Manchester. Institute for development…
Popular participation in Bolivia : does the law participación popular secure participation of the rural Bolivian population?
Abstract: The Bolivian law on popular participation of 1995 gave only mixed results in the first 5 years. The power-holding structures at the local level still are occupied by the political parties. Author(s): Andersson, Vibeke Source(s): , CDR working paper; 99.6 18 p., 30 cm CDR working paper 99.6 Published: 1999 Centre for development studies,…
The political economy of democratic decentralization
Abstract: This report examines the origins and implications decentralization from a political economy perspective, with a focus on its promise and limitations. It identifies conditions needed for decentralization to succeed and suggests ways in which decentralization can promote rural development. Author(s): Manor, James Source(s): , Directions in development x, 133 p., 23 cm Directions in…
From centralized to decentralized governance
Abstract: It is argued that decentralization should be based on a coherent, explicit, and stable set of rules. These rules need to encompass: the division of political power; the functions of subnational governments; and the electoral rules and political institutions for local politics. Author(s): Dillinger, William; Fay, Marianne Source(s): F & D : finance and…
Capacity.org : a gateway on capacity development
Abstract: Capacity.org is a web magazine-cum-portal intended for practitioners and policy-makers who work in or on capacity development in international cooperation in the South. Author(s): ECDPM Source(s): , Published: 1999 European centre for development policy management (ECDPM), Maastricht (English; Spanish; French ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.capacity.org/