Tag: Africa
Local governance barometer
Abstract: IDASA is an independent public interest organization committed to promoting sustainable democracy. It assists with building institutions of governance in eighteen countries in Africa. This is achieved extensively at local and national levels. Author(s): IDASA Source(s): , Published: 2004 Institute for democracy in South Africa (IDASA), [Pretoria etc.] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.idasa.org.za/mailer/NewsletterSource.asp?NID=246&LanguageCode=en
Decentralisation and poverty in developing countries : exploring the impact
Abstract: There is no unambiguous link between decentralization and poverty reduction, but the poverty impact of decentralization would appear to depend less on the physical country setting than on the capacity and willingness of policy makers to ensure a pro-poor devolution process. Author(s): Jütting, Johannes Source(s): , Working paper / OECD development centre; 236 52…
Lessons from experiences in decentralising infrastructure & service delivery in rural areas : (Uganda case study)
Abstract: The outcomes of innovations in infrastructure service delivery in rural Uganda as introduced by a District Development Programme in the sectors of health, education, water and sanitation, rural roads and agriculture are evaluated. Author(s): Onyach-Olaa , Martin Source(s): , xi, 53 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2003 Asian development bank (ADB)], [Manila (English ISBN/ISSN:…
AGI : Africa governance institute
Abstract: The Africa Governance Institute is conceived as a center for high-level political dialogue and advanced studies and training on Governance in Africa. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2003 Africa governance institute (AGI), Dakar (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.iag-agi.org/spip/index_en.html
A needs assessment mission report on capacity development in local governance : Africa-Asia co-operation
Abstract: In support of the efforts of countries in Africa and Asia in meeting the challenges of decentralized governance, a needs assessment study mission was conducted to: assess the need for capacity development in local governance; and identify training and research institutions for future collaboration. Author(s): Kumssa, Asfaw; Edralin, Josefa; Oyugi, Walter O. Source(s): ,…
Institutions, decentralization and growth
Abstract: The link between institutions and fiscal decentralization is discussed and the extent to which fiscal decentralization impacts on growth is explored. A typology of decentralization is presented and the role of institutions in fiscal decentralization is discussed. Author(s): Osoro, Nehemiah E. Source(s): , 19 p. Published: 2003 United nations economic commission for Africa (UNECA)],…
Local institutional and political structures and processes : recent experience in Africa
Abstract: This article reviews basic institutional and political mechanisms intended to facilitate effective decentralization and intergovernmental fiscal relations in Africa, including legal, constitutional, fiscal and managerial reforms. Particular attention is given to internal and external accountability. Author(s): Olowu, Dele Source(s): Public administration and development; 23(2003)1, p. 41-52, ill., tabs Public administration and development 23(2003)1 Published:…
Decentralization, trends and constraints
Abstract: The interrelationships between the concepts of decentralization, good governance, local government, democratization, local governance, civil society, and participation are described. Recent trends and developments in decentralization are explained in relation to poverty reduction. Author(s): Walle, John Van Der Source(s): , [9] p. Published: 2002 Royal tropical institute (KIT)], [Amsterdam (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.kit.nl/kit/Walle,-John-van-der-(2002)-Decentralization,-trends-and-constraints
African decentralization : local actors, powers and accountability
Abstract: In Africa, decentralization is not implemented in ways necessary to realize the benefits that theory predicts, because it fails to entrust downwardly accountable representative actors with significant domains of autonomous discretionary power. Author(s): Ribot, Jesse Craig Source(s): , Democracy, governance and human rights programme paper; 8 ix, 89 p., 30 cm Democracy, governance and…