Tag: health services
Decentralization and governance in the Ghana health sector
Abstract: In spite of a long history and successive waves of decentralization reforms, the Ghana health sector has not fully embraced the model adopted by the central government. Some functions and responsibilities have been decentralized, but others remain centralized or simply deconcentrated. Author(s): Couttolenc, Bernard F. Source(s): , A World bank study; 70274 xvii, 102…
Patient satisfaction with HIV/AIDS care and treatment in the decentralization of services delivery in Vietnam
Abstract: HIV/AIDS care and treatment across levels of health service administration in Vietnam can be improved by capacity building, integrative service delivery, engagements of family members in treatment supports, and additional attention and comprehensive care for HIV-infected drug users. Author(s): Tran, Bach Xuan; Nguyen, Nhung Phuong Thi Source(s): , PLoS one; vol. 7, issue 10…
Our future – make it work : National development plan 2030
Abstract: South Africa’s National Development Plan aims to eliminate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030. Challenges include: (1) unemployment; (2) infrastructure; (3) education; (4) spatial divides; (5) resource-dependence of the economy; (6) health; (7) public services; and (8) corruption. Author(s): South Africa Source(s): , 61 p., ill., maps Published: 2012 South African government information, [S.l.]…
Ethical perspective of health sector reform process in Nepal
Abstract: This articles examines the equity, efficiency, and accountability aspects of the second phase of the Nepal Health Sector Programme (2010-2015). Decentralization is used to enhance accountability and governance of the health services throughout the country. Author(s): Sapkota, Vishnu Prasad Source(s): , Health prospect; 11 p. 36-39 Health prospect 11 Published: 2012 Nepal journals online…
Citizen charters : enhancing service delivery through accountability : dealing with governance and corruption risks in project lending
Abstract: Introduced by the United Kingdom in the early 1990s, CCs are now being used in a wide range of countries — including the United States, Kenya, India, Jamaica, and Mexico — to improve the quality of service delivery and enhance public sector management. Author(s): Post, David; Agarwal, Sanjay Source(s): , How-to notes 17 p.,…
Technical consultation on the role of community based providers in improving maternal and newborn health : report
Abstract: In 2012, a technical consultation took place on the role of community based providers in improving maternal and newborn health. The focus was on best practices and country experiences in improving the quality and coverage of maternal and newborn health services involving community based providers. Author(s): Kok, Maryse; Herschderfer, Kathy; Koning, Korrie De Source(s):…
Improving the implementation of health workforce policies through governance : a review of case studies
Abstract: A study of 4 governance dimensions (including performance, which has an important decentralization component) on human resources for health (HRH) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Governance to improve HRH must be viewed as inseparable from the wider health system and state governance. Author(s): Dieleman, Maria Areke; Shaw, Daniel M.P.; Zwanikken, Prisca Source(s): ,…
Basing care reforms on evidence : the Kenya health sector costing model
Abstract: The Ministry of Health of Kenya in cooperation with its development partners conducted a comprehensive costing exercise and subsequently developed the Kenya Health Sector Costing Model in order to fill this data gap. This article discusses this study. Author(s): Flessa, Steffen Source(s): , BMC Health services research; vol. 11, no. 128 41 p., ill.,…