Tag: indonesia
Third national program for community empowerment in rural areas (PNPM-rural)
Abstract: Rural PNPM Mandiri is a core part of PNPM Mandiri and is developed from the Kecamatan Development Program (KDP) launched in 1998. The Rural PNPM Mandiri overall objective is to reduce poverty and improve local-level governance in rural areas of Indonesia, using a participatory planning process. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World…
Local governments and disaster risk reduction : good practices and lessons learned : a contribution to the Making cities resilient campaign
Abstract: Good practices and lessons learned by local governments in disaster risk reduction were compiled to showcase the essential roles played by local and regional authorities in addressing disaster risks at sub-national and local levels, but also the challenges and constraints to scale-up these efforts. Author(s): Source(s): , xiii, 69 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010…
Accelerating poverty and vulnerability reduction : trends, opportunities, and constraints
Abstract: The roles of decentralization, local government, and civic participation in poverty alleviation in Indonesia are discussed in a wider context of national development programmes. Author(s): Suryahadi, Asep Source(s): , SMERU working paper 17 p., ill., graphs, tabs SMERU working paper draft Published: 2010 SMERU research institute, Jakarta (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.smeru.or.id/report/workpaper/povertyvulnerabilityreduction/povertyvulnerabilityreduction.pdf
Building trust in government : innovations in governance reform in Asia
Abstract: Within the framework of democratic governance, decentralization and local autonomy are crucial in fostering more participatory governance and enhancing trust in government. Decentralization contributes to the empowerment of local communities and trust in government at all levels. Author(s): Cheema, G. Shabbir; Popovski, Vesselin Source(s): , Trends and innovations in governance series xv, 260 p.,…
Evaluating agricultural policies of local governments in Indonesia after the implementation of regional autonomy by principal component analysis : full length research paper
Abstract: The quality of agricultural policies in the local governments in Indonesia after the establishment of regional autonomy in 2001 is evaluated, using a list of 31 standard intervention options. A considerable funding disparity between Java and less developed regions was observed. Author(s): Sugino, Tomohide Source(s): , Journal of development and agricultural economics; Vol. 2,…
Decentralization and economic performance in Indonesia
Abstract: Decentralized government in Indonesia has not had a positive effect on national economic performance as a result of extreme heterogeneity in endowments, factor immobility, and the endogenous deterioration of local governance institutions. No negative effect was found, either. Author(s): Pepinsky, Thomas B.; Wihardja, Maria M. Source(s): , 38 p., ill., graphs, tabs new version…
Innovations in land rights recognition, administration, and governance
Abstract: This volume is a product of the Annual Conference on Land Policy and Administration. Subjects include: (1) innovation in land administration in Africa; (2) low-cost land administration; (3) the impact of improved tenure security; and (4) land governance. Author(s): Deininger, Klaus Source(s): , v, 241 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2010 World bank…
Empowering Indonesian communities through direct participation in developing infrastructure and services
Abstract: The National Program for Community Empowerment encourages local communities to participate in the planning process; provides financial support to the communities for poverty alleviation; and enhances the partnership of central and local governments to best provide services where most needed. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , IBRD results 6 p., ill IBRD results Published: 2010…