Tag: land acquisition
Land reform and certification in Madagascar : does perception of tenure security matter and change?
Abstract: This article argues that the process of legal empowerment still need to be more inclusive for the poor and discusses ways to reinforce this process without denying the reality of customary land practices. Recent land reform efforts are aimed at the decentralization of land management. Author(s): Burnod, Perrine Source(s): , 35 p., ill., graphs,…
Resource development on customary land : managing the complexity through a pro-development compensation solution
Abstract: International valuation standards for potential solutions to land compensation are compared to formulate an equitable, hybrid model for possible use in Melanesia. In practice, because consensus is hard to reach, the proposed model is inherently time consuming. Author(s): Boydell, Spike; Baya, Ulai Source(s): , 28 p., ill., maps, tabs Published: 2012 World bank, Washington,…
Understanding land investment deals in Africa : FAQs on how land grabs contribute to hunger and conflict
Abstract: According to the Oakland Institute, land grabs – largely unregulated land deals involving foreign corporations – continue to be promoted as a development solution for African nations.These deals create additional food insecurity, fail to deliver jobs and biofuel, and impoverish nations. Author(s): Source(s): , [5] p. Published: 2011 Oakland institute], [Oakland, CA (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Agr[ar]ian change below the radar screen : rising farmland acquisitions by domestic investors in west Africa : what are the implications for food production and smallholder farming?
Abstract: A 2010 survey in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger determined the scale of land acquisition by domestic investors in West Africa. Most acquisitions took place after 2000. Most investors are urban. Formal tenure on customary land is difficult. A move to involve smallholders should be encouraged. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Nelen, Joost; Traoré,…
Annual World bank conference on land and poverty : conference agenda
Abstract: The theme of the 2011 conference was “Countries strengthen land governance”. In a period of land grabbing, better land governance can encourage investment, steer urban growth and improve social welfare. It also helps countries overcome a legacy of inequality, dispossession and conflict. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank, Washington, DC (English…
Land governance in Uganda : large scale land acquisition and land expropriation
Abstract: Large scale land acquisition and land governance issues in sub-Saharan Africa are discussed. Land grabbing is defined in the context of Uganda. It is recommended that a policy framework should be developed to lay down the principles that will govern large scale land acquisition and appropriation. Author(s): Onesmus, Mugyenyi Source(s): , [12] p., ill.,…
Land tenure and international investments in agriculture : a report
Abstract: Measures to strengthen local land rights in the face of global land grabbing include recognition of local land rights and devolution of land management responsibilities to local government, with accountability mechanisms, such as in Tanzania‘s Village Land Act of 1999, and in Senegal. Author(s): Source(s): , HLPE report; 2 56 p., ill., graphs, maps,…
From international land deals to local informal agreements : regulations of and local reactions to agricultural investments in Madagascar : draft conference paper
Abstract: This article analyses the dynamics of local politics within the framework of large-scale farmland acquisition projects in Madagascar, using the case of the 1.3 million ha land acquisition by Daewoo for export of palm oil and maize to South Korea. Author(s): Perrine, Burnod Source(s): , 16 p. draft Published: 2011 Erasmus university Rotterdam (EUR).…
Titling against grabbing? : critiques and conundrums around land formalisation in southeast Asia : paper
Abstract: This paper draws on land titling experience in several South-East Asian countries to illustrate some of the problems and the ways in which land titling is understood by different actors vis-a-vis issues of security of tenure. Author(s): Hirsch, Philip Source(s): , 17 p. Published: 2011 Erasmus university Rotterdam (EUR). International institute of social studies…
Global land grabbing : update from the International conference on global land grabbing
Abstract: This paper summarizes the highlights of the Conference on Global Land Grabbing, which was held in 2011. Original estimates suggest that national governments and private investors purchased over 40 million hectares of land in just one year from 2008 to 2009, up from 4 million ha/year previously. Author(s): Borras, Jun Source(s): , 6 p.…