Tag: legal aspects
Monitoring tenure security within the continuum of land rights : methods and practices : paper
Abstract: The article presents a methodology for operationalizing the concept of a continuum of tenure security. Three levels are distinguished: individual or household, community or settlement, and legal and policy. It shows there is more than one route to achieving tenure security. Author(s): Sietchiping, Remy Source(s): , 19 p., ill. Published: 2012 [United nations human…
Rural land management in the Senegal River valley
Abstract: This paper reviews the existing legal framework and land tenure systems in the Senegal valley, analyses access to land, lists the local land management practices and shows certain departures from good land management practice. It also makes recommendations for remedying the departures observed. Author(s): Lestang, Jean Philippe Source(s): , 21 p., ill., maps, tabs…
Lessons of Asia’s decentralisation for Indonesia’s second decade of decentralisation
Abstract: This brief examines Asian decentralization form many angles: from historical accident to deliberate constitutional constructs, from mechanisms for managing diversity to ways of reducing poverty, and from giving voice to local communities to instruments for separatism and ethnic tension. Author(s): Source(s): , Decentralisation brief / Provincial governance strengthening programme; 1 15 p., ill., graph,…
Increasing tenure security in northern Uganda : how to use external support for strengthening bottom up approaches
Abstract: This paper presents innovative land rights documentation in northern Uganda, where customary tenure systems prevail. These include documenting transactions, demarcation of field boundaries and using Certificates of Customary Ownership, Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanisms and legal literacy. Author(s): Zevenbergen, Jaap; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Nsamba-Gayiiya, Eddie Source(s): , 21 p. Published: 2012 World bank, Washington, DC…
The application of public asset management in Indonesian local government : a case study in south Sulawesi province
Abstract: The problems faced by local government in applying a public asset management framework were examined, using a case from South Sulawesi, Indonesia. They include the absence of an institutional and legal framework, the non-profit principle of public assets, and the non-availability of data. Author(s): Hanis, Muhammad Hasbi; Trigunarsyah, Bambang; Susilawati, Connie Source(s): , Journal…
The green rush : the global race for farmland and the rights of land users
Abstract: This article questions the claimed advantages of land grab. It is likely that the poorest farmers will be priced out from these emerging markets for land rights, and that the interests of those depending on the commons will be ignored. Security of tenure for the rural poor must be protected. Author(s): De Schutter, Olivier…
It takes more than a village : the challenges of co-management in Uganda’s fishery and forestry sectors
Abstract: Successful natural resource decentralization in Uganda requires strengthening local-level natural resource institutions with increased fiscal flow, enforcement, monitoring and judicial powers. The partnership between local-level resource users and the central government must be reinforced. Author(s): Lawrence, Theodore J.; Watkins, Cristy Source(s): , International journal of sustainable development and world ecology p. 1-11 International journal…
Land governance in Uganda : large scale land acquisition and land expropriation
Abstract: Large scale land acquisition and land governance issues in sub-Saharan Africa are discussed. Land grabbing is defined in the context of Uganda. It is recommended that a policy framework should be developed to lay down the principles that will govern large scale land acquisition and appropriation. Author(s): Onesmus, Mugyenyi Source(s): , [12] p., ill.,…