Tag: Uganda
Promoting transparency and accountability in the health sector : civil society participation in health sector planning, budgeting and monitoring
Abstract: AGHA, a health rights advocacy organization in Uganda, developed a tool for monitoring resource use at the district and national level to collect data about health sector planning, and budgeting, CSO participation in planning, access to health information, and general management issues. Author(s): Source(s): , iv, 36 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2008 Action…
The parents, the patients and the privileged : accountability and elite capture in schools and clinics in Uganda and Tanzania
Abstract: Decentralized public services like primary schools and clinics are increasingly co-managed by committees of parents and villagers. Concerns that the election of management committee members is not democratic are mostly applicable to clinic committees. Author(s): Prinsen, Gerard Source(s): , SNV publications; H0702-09 44 p., ill., graphs, tabs SNV publications H0702-09 Published: 2007 SNV Netherlands…
Decentralized governance and ecological health : why local institutions fail to moderate deforestation in Mpigi district of Uganda
Abstract: Factors that affect the effectiveness of decentralization of authority over forests to local user groups, traditional leaders, or officials of local governments in Uganda were identified. Author(s): Banana, Abwoli Y. Source(s): , Scientific research and essay; Vol. 2, No. 10 p. 434-445, ill., maps, tabs Scientific research and essay Vol. 2, No. 10 Published:…
Action learning case-study : community based planning (CBP)
Abstract: Community-based planning (CBP) is a form of participatory planning which has been designed to promote community action. This case study focuses on the methodology as developed by the original project drawing on the experiences of South Africa, Zimbabwe and Uganda. Author(s): Searle-Mbullu, Rachel; Reynolds, Kian Source(s): , 16 p., ill., tabs Published: 2007 African…
The paradox of decentralization in Namibia
Abstract: The models of decentralization adopted by Uganda and Zambia are compared with those of Namibia and the institutional factors that have played a role in the implementation of the policy on decentralization in Namibia in general have been assessed. Decentralization was generally very slow. Author(s): Riruako, Hoze Source(s): , xiv, 230 p. Published: 2007…
Decentralization and development : emerging issues from Uganda’s experience
Abstract: The role of decentralization in development is illustrated by highlighting some key background information about Uganda’s decentralization, discuss its achievements and challenges, and conclude with a few questions arising from the challenges. Author(s): Okidi, John Alphonse; Guloba, Madina Source(s): , Occasional paper / Economic policy research centre; 31 19 p., ill., tabs Occasional paper…
Technical and institutional capacity in local organisations to manage decentralised forest resources in Uganda
Abstract: The technical and institutional capacity in selected local organizations (community, government) to manage decentralized forest resources in Uganda was examined. None of them had either the legal mandate or sufficient human and physical resources to govern forest resources well. Author(s): Turyahabwe, N. Source(s): , Southern African forestry journal; 208 p. 63-78, ill., map, tabs…
Local governance and ICTs research network for Africa (LOG-IN Africa) = Le réseau de la gouvernance locale et de recherches en TICs pour l’Afrique
Abstract: LOG-IN Africa is a African network of researchers from Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda, which will assess the current state of e-local governance initiatives in Africa, and in particular how ICTs are being used to realize good local governance. Author(s): CAFRAD Source(s): , Published: 2006 African training and research…
Local government in Uganda
Abstract: The history of local government in Uganda is presented. Recent constitutional changes are outlined, the various levels of democratic local government and their respective responsibilities are summarized, and the challenges of local governments to raise revenue are highlighted. Author(s): Golooba-Mutebi, Frederick Source(s): , Local government bulletin; Vol. 9, No. 4 p. 25-28, ill Local…