Tag: Asia
PRIA : Society for participatory research in Asia : making democracy work for all
Abstract: PRIA is an international centre for learning and promotion of participation and democratic governance. It actively shares its expertise and practical insights with other civil society groups, NGOs, governments, donors, trade unions, private business and academic institutions around the world. Author(s): PRIA Source(s): , Published: 2010 Society for participatory research in Asia (PRIA), New…
Outsourcing’s third wave : buying farmland abroad
Abstract: The fear of rising food prices and trade bans have prompted rich food importers from the Middle East and China to acquire vast tracts of poor countries’ farmland. Is this beneficial foreign investment or neocolonialism? Author(s): Source(s): , The Economist [4] p., ill., graph, map, photogr The Economist Published: 2009 Economist newspaper, London (English…
LOGO south programme (MIC) 2007-2010
Abstract: The programme aims to strengthen good local government as a condition for poverty reduction. It targets 12 local government associations in four regions: Asia, Central-America, West-Africa and East-Africa. It focuses on capacity building of politicians, decision makers and civil servants. Author(s): VNG Source(s): , Published: 2009 VNG international, The Hague (English; Spanish; Russian ISBN/ISSN:…
Decentralization policies in Asian development
Abstract: This book explores fiscal decentralization in Asia, which aims to bring budgetary decisions closer to voters. Subjects include: the major decentralization reforms in Indonesia, the significant reforms in the Philippines and Vietnam, and the special cases of India and China. Author(s): Ichimura, Shinichi; Bahl, Roy Source(s): , xxv, 414 p., ill., graphs, tabs, 24…
Beyond tenure : rights-based approaches to peoples and forests : some lessons from the forest peoples programme
Abstract: On the basis of a review of 17 years of programmatic work with forest peoples in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, this paper explores the complexity of rights that need recognition if community-based livelihoods in forests are to be secured and well-being is to be improved. Author(s): Colchester, Marcus Source(s): , iv, 44 p.…
Women’s empowerment and good governance through community radio : best experiences for an action research process
Abstract: This collection of articles seeks to contribute to the impact of community radio on governance issues especially related to gender equality and women’s rights. The publication is part of a two-year participatory action research process to address the challenges to women’s participation in democracy. Author(s): Solervicens, Marcelo Source(s): , [136] p., ill., tabs Published:…
Foundations for local governance : decentralization in comparative perspectives
Abstract: [Partial preview] This book provides a comparative analysis of different experiences of decentralization in 6 developing countries in Asia and Africa. Successful reforms have coherent approaches to stakeholder involvement for poverty reduction in the developing world. Author(s): Saito, Fumihiko Source(s): , 301 p., ill., tabs Published: 2008 Physica, Heidelberg (English ISBN/ISSN: 978-3-7908-2006-5/ Link: http://books.google.com/books?id=efFMNkkDjhgC&pg=PR3&hl=nl&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false
Reviews of decentralisation and/or subnational government support programmes
Abstract: Recent donor and aid agency reviews of decentralization and sub-national government support programmes are analysed, particularly those that identify lessons learnt, and make policy recommendations for future support. Author(s): Mcloughlin, Claire; Conyers, Diana Source(s): , Helpdesk research report; [HD561] 12:00 PM Helpdesk research report [HD561] Published: 2008 University of Birmingham]. Governance and social development…