Tag: customary law
Conflict in Uganda’s land tenure system
Abstract: Uganda’s dualist land tenure system is a root cause of conflict over land use and ownership. The current land tenure laws facilitate land alienation, threaten livelihoods and contribute to food insecurity. The need for reform imposes itself. Author(s): Owaraga, Norah Source(s): , Africa portal backgrounder; 26 9:00 PM Africa portal backgrounder 26 [re-issue] Published:…
Monitoring tenure security within the continuum of land rights : methods and practices : paper
Abstract: The article presents a methodology for operationalizing the concept of a continuum of tenure security. Three levels are distinguished: individual or household, community or settlement, and legal and policy. It shows there is more than one route to achieving tenure security. Author(s): Sietchiping, Remy Source(s): , 19 p., ill. Published: 2012 [United nations human…
Designing a pro poor land recordation system
Abstract: This paper is a first attempt to outline a legally robust cut down affordable land recordation system, which is also one of the tools identified by the Global Land Tool Network as being in the critical path of pro poor land policy implementation. Author(s): Zevenbergen, Jaap; Augustinus, Clarissa Source(s): , 15 p., ill Published:…
Modeling customary land tenure within the national land administration using the social tenure domain model (case study Ulayat land in Minangkabau community, West Sumatra, Indonesia)
Abstract: The case of Minangkabau customary law was used to develop an assimilation approach that could accommodate the various systems of customary tenure of Indonesia within the National Land Administration System (NLAS). The Social Tenure Domain Model has been used as a standard to develop this model. Author(s): Guspriadi, Teddi Source(s): , vii, 72 p.,…
Adapting land administration to the institutional framework of customary tenure : the case of peri-urban Ghana
Abstract: Case studies from peri-urban areas in Ghana and participatory GIS are used to demonstrate that customary rights can be recognized by adapting land administration to the institutional framework of customary tenure, provided customary institutions receive sufficient support to undertake LA functions. Author(s): Arko-Adjei, Anthony Source(s): , Sustainable urban areas; 39 255 p., ill., maps,…
The social tenure domain model : a pro-poor land tool
Abstract: The Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) was developed to suit customary and informal tenure, which conventional land administration systems cannot handle. A first prototype can be used to support the land administration of the poor in urban and rural areas. It can be linked to the cadastral system. Author(s): Lemmen, Christiaan Source(s): , FIG…
Customary tenure instititions and good governance
Abstract: Key governance issues within customary land delivery in Ghana are identified (efficiency, equity, accountability, participation, transparency) and a framework for assessing customary tenure institutions for peri-urban land governance is presented. Author(s): Arko-Adjei, Anthony Source(s): , 20 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 International federation of surveyors (FIG), [Copenhagen] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.fig.net/pub/monthly_articles/september_2010/september_2010_arkoadjei_et_al.pdf
Examining relationships between customary and state institutions in Ghana’s decentralized system
Abstract: The Ghanaian chieftaincy has been resilient to “modernization”—maintaining land rights, allegiance from citizens, and influence in rural communities. This study looks for factors that might explain the state’s deficiency in policy regarding chiefs, also with regard to the development outcome. Author(s): Belden, Cory Source(s): , IFPRI discussion paper; 1030 vi, 30 p., ill., tabs…
Traditional leadership and democracy in Africa : the experience of Botswana
Abstract: The role of chieftainships in modern African democracies and land tenure is discussed, using the case of Botswana. Author(s): Sharma, Keshav C. Source(s): , [14] p. Published: 2009 Institute for democracy in South Africa (IDASA), [Pretoria etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.idasa.org.za/index.asp?page=output_details.asp%3FRID%3D2033%26PID%3D54