Tag: Fiscal policy
Fiscal decentralisation and sector funding : principles and practices
Abstract: Fiscal decentralization (FD) shifts the responsibilities for expenditure or revenues to lower levels of government. This paper presents lessons learned from recent experiences with FD and modalities for FD reform in a number of developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Author(s): Steffensen, Jesper Source(s): , 39 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2010…
Comparative assessment of decentralization in Africa : final report and summary of findings
Abstract: This comparative study draws lessons from African country experiences with decentralization. Accountability remains mostly upward. In one third public service delivery improved slightly. Capacity remains an issue at all levels of government. Author(s): Dickovick, James Tyler; Beatty Riedl, Rachel Source(s): , iv, 79 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 United States agency for international development…
Decentralization : facilitatiing relationships between civil society and local governments
Abstract: The decentralization activities of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) generally concern: (1) training; (2) popular participation; (3) investment funding; (4) dialogue with the central government; and (5) participation in local development or fiscal decentralization. Author(s): DEZA Source(s): , Published: 2010 Swiss agency for development and cooperation (SDC), [Berne] (English; German; French;…
Land inventory in Botswana : processes and lessons
Abstract: The Botswana Tribal Land Information and Management Systems uses takes into account land policy, land tenure (including tenancy), land use planning, gender issues, valuation, governance and land taxation, and pro-poor decentralized land administration involving local land boards. Author(s): Sietchiping, Remy; Augustinus, Clarissa; Passano, Guglielma Da; Wagner, Robert; Uhlig, Britta; Rollnick, Roman Source(s): , 62…
Mobilising tax revenue to finance development : the case for property taxation in Francophone Africa
Abstract: The design and implementation of property tax systems in West Africa as a source of national or municipal revenue is analysed. Development partners could support tax reform through capacity building in the areas of fiscal decentralisation, governance, skills, ICT, collection, and enforcement. Author(s): Monkam, Nara F. Source(s): , Working paper / University of Pretoria;…
Ghana national decentralization action plan : accelerating decentralization and local governance for national development
Abstract: A plan for dealing with decentralization and local governance in Ghana is outlined for priority action areas such as: political and administrative decentralization, local economic development, fiscal decentralization, popular participation and accountability, and involvement of non-state actors. Author(s): Ghana Source(s): , 28 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 Government of Ghana. Ministry of local government…
Financial resources mobilization performance of rural local government : case study of three Union Parishad in Bangladesh
Abstract: Fiscal decentralization in Bangladesh has been initiated but the existing pattern of rural local governments self financing is not impressive. The relatively small scale Union Parishad (UP), the lowest tier rural local government, show some promise. Author(s): Ullah, Md. Anwar; Pongquan, Soparth Source(s): , Asian social science; Vol. 6, No. 11 p. 95-115, ill.,…
Democratic decentralisation and local democracy in South Africa re-examined : quo vadis?
Abstract: A study of local governance in South Africa reveals that decentralization needs to be formalized and entrenched in local governance, and, what is more important, solutions must be found to the problems of unfunded mandates, lack of technical competence, and inadequate skills. Author(s): Reddy, Purshottama S. Source(s): , Politeia; Vol. 29, No. 3 p.…
Promise and reality of fiscal decentralization
Abstract: This paper considers the costs and benefits of fiscal decentralization, trends in the practice of decentralizing budgets, and the policy interventions used to strengthen the financial autonomy of local government in developing countries. Subjects include local taxation and budget constraints. Author(s): Bahl, Roy Source(s): Decentralization policies in Asian development, p. 1-26, ill., tabs Published:…