Tag: ghana
Attribution and accountability : voting for roads in Ghana
Abstract: The thesis argues that democracy makes African governments more responsive to the rural majority, thereby generating dissatisfaction among urban voters. A distinction is made between attributable inputs (roads) and non-attributable inputs (education material) in Ghana. Author(s): Harding, Robin Source(s): , 45 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2013 New York university (NYU)], [New York,…
The political economy of decentralization in sub-Saharan Africa : a new implementation model in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, and Senegal
Abstract: This study examines the overall design of local government financing systems in sub-Saharan Africa. An analytical guide to decentralization is proposed, its purpose being to produce a comparative table for cross-country analysis. The approach is clearly contextualized to each country. Author(s): Dafflon, Bernard; Madiès, Thierry Source(s): , Africa development forum series xxvii, 310 p.,…
Citizen voice and state accountability : towards theories of change that embrace contextual dynamics
Abstract: The question of ‘what works under what circumstances’ informs this study of citizen voice and accountability in different governance contexts in Africa. One key factor is finding the right incentives to mobilize citizens’ voice while also generating incentives for government institutions. Author(s): Tembo, Fletcher Source(s): , Working paper / Overseas development institute; 343 vi,…
Review of the Commonwealth local government good practice scheme
Abstract: The Good Practice Scheme partnered councils and local government associations from Jamaica, India, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Pakistan and Ghana with their counterparts in South Africa, India and the UK with the objective to exchange good practice and generate innovative solutions. Author(s): Duchnowski, Rachael Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG); 10 p.…
Development as a collective action problem : addressing the real challenges of African governance : synthesis report
Abstract: Experiences with local justice in Ghana and education reform in the Sahel show that development is best seen as a multi-layered collective action problem. Development assistance should be designed so as to support local problem-solving and adapting state programmes to local values and preferences. Author(s): Booth, David Source(s): , xi, 117 p., ill., graphs…
Accountability in local government revenue management : who does what?
Abstract: Using financial responsibility charting, this study found that the members of the Asante Akim South District Assembly in Ghana who are supposed to hold others accountable do not have a fair understanding of the responsibilities of the core staff in the financial management chain. Author(s): Akudugu, Jonas Ayaribilla Source(s): , Information and knowledge management;…
The state of Ghana’s local government system : the case of assembly members
Abstract: This paper discusses some of the weaknesses of Ghana’s local government system, in particular the issues affecting the local development operations of Assembly Members. Their many challenges require national civic education and constitutional amendments to address. Author(s): Adusei-Asante, Kwadwo Source(s): , Inkanyiso : journal of humanities and social sciences; Vol. 4, No. 2 p.…
Land registration usage theory : a case study in Ghana
Abstract: The paper presents a 3-stage theory to examine why and how people register or choose not to register their land, using a case from the outskirts of Accra. The situation mirrored the one elsewhere in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa. Land sales have benefited few and leaders have manipulated the rules. Author(s): Barry, Michael; Roux,…
Sustaining customary land secretariats for improved interactive land governance in Ghana
Abstract: Capacity building of traditional land governance institutions is increasingly favoured in Africa. In Ghana, 37 customary land secretariats (CLSs) have been established or strengthened with a strong emphasis on IT, but little understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of human-land relationships. Author(s): Bugri, John Source(s): , 28 p., ill., tabs Published: 2012 World bank, Washington,…