Tag: local finance
The Hague academy for local governance : training programme 2013
Abstract: The Hague Academy for Local Governance offers open enrolment courses, tailor-made training programmes, study visits and masterclasses on participation, accountability, fiscal issues, local economic development, peacebuilding, (female) leadership, climate change, and water governance. Author(s): Klokke, Rebke; Hague Academy For Local Governance Source(s): , 32 p., ill. Published: 2013 The Hague academy for local governance,…
The political economy of decentralization in sub-Saharan Africa : a new implementation model in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, and Senegal
Abstract: This study examines the overall design of local government financing systems in sub-Saharan Africa. An analytical guide to decentralization is proposed, its purpose being to produce a comparative table for cross-country analysis. The approach is clearly contextualized to each country. Author(s): Dafflon, Bernard; Madiès, Thierry Source(s): , Africa development forum series xxvii, 310 p.,…
The land governance assessment framework : identifying and monitoring good practice in the land sector
Abstract: The framework (LGAF) provides guidance to diagnose and benchmark land governance. If land institutions function properly, land taxation provides a simple yet efficient tool to increase effective decentralization and to foster local government accountability. Author(s): Deininger, Klaus W.; Selod, Harris; Burns, Anthony F. Source(s): , Agriculture and rural development xvi, 147 p., ill., tabs…
Exploring the measurement and effectiveness of the local public sector : toward a classification of local public sector finances and a comparison of devolved and deconcentrated finances
Abstract: This paper discusses how we can arrive at a consistent classification of (local) public expenditures and revenues that allows us to identify what share of public expenditures is spent within the local public sector, especially in direct support of the delivery of public services. Author(s): Boex, Jamie Source(s): , IDG working paper; 2011-05 20…
Integrated water resources management and impact at the community level in Rwanda
Abstract: A study of integrated water resources management (IWRM) at the national, local, and community levels in Rwanda showed the need to establish mechanisms for stakeholder dialogue while interests are still similar. The greatest impact towards IWRM may be achieved at the local government level. Author(s): Ogden, Stephanie Source(s): , Water resources IMPACT; Vol. 13,…
The Hague academy for local governance : programme 2012
Abstract: The Hague Academy for Local Governance offers open enrolment courses, tailor-made training programmes, study visits and masterclasses on participation, accountability, fiscal issues, local economic development, peacebuilding, (female) leadership, climate change, and water management. Author(s): Klokke, Rebke Source(s): , 35 p., ill. Published: 2011 Hague academy for local governance, The Hague (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…
Performance-based grant systems : concept and international experience
Abstract: This publication is aimed at providing a detailed overview of, and evidence-based insights into, the design and implementation of Performance-Based Grant Systems (PBGSs) for local governments in developing, low- and middle-income countries. Author(s): Steffensen, Jesper Source(s): , xiv, 169 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2010 Capacity4dev.eu], [Brussels (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://capacity4dev.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/file/27/07/2011_-_1557/1-boschmann_study_idwg.pdf
Decentralization policies in Asian development
Abstract: This book explores fiscal decentralization in Asia, which aims to bring budgetary decisions closer to voters. Subjects include: the major decentralization reforms in Indonesia, the significant reforms in the Philippines and Vietnam, and the special cases of India and China. Author(s): Ichimura, Shinichi; Bahl, Roy Source(s): , xxv, 414 p., ill., graphs, tabs, 24…
Stakeholders’ experiences of school financial management in the context of free primary education : a case study of two primary schools in the rural areas of Berea district in Lesotho
Abstract: This is a case study that focused on the stakeholders’ experiences of school financial management and how the challenging experiences were addressed in the face of Free Primary Education (FPE) programme. It is recommended for the government to develop a new policy for parental funding. Author(s): Malataliana, Margaret Maretselisitsoe Source(s): , ix, 101 p.,…