Tag: mali
Comparative assessment of decentralization in Africa : final report and summary of findings
Abstract: This comparative study draws lessons from African country experiences with decentralization. Accountability remains mostly upward. In one third public service delivery improved slightly. Capacity remains an issue at all levels of government. Author(s): Dickovick, James Tyler; Beatty Riedl, Rachel Source(s): , iv, 79 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010 United States agency for international development…
Mobilising tax revenue to finance development : the case for property taxation in Francophone Africa
Abstract: The design and implementation of property tax systems in West Africa as a source of national or municipal revenue is analysed. Development partners could support tax reform through capacity building in the areas of fiscal decentralisation, governance, skills, ICT, collection, and enforcement. Author(s): Monkam, Nara F. Source(s): , Working paper / University of Pretoria;…
Decentralisation and boundary setting in Mali : the case of Kita district
Abstract: This paper asks whether territorial decentralisation in Mali should address the issue of land tenure. Examples are used from the district of Kita to try to tackle this issue, starting with a look at the way that local government boundaries have been set in Mali. Author(s): Idelman, Eric Source(s): , Issue paper / Drylands…
‘Land grabs’ in Africa : can the deals work for development
Abstract: sl241slmult0The paper looks at the recent wave of large-scale land acquisitions in poorer countries which has sparked a major debate. It analyzes how these investments can either create new opportunities to improve local living standards, or further marginalize the poor. Author(s): Cotula, Lorenzo; Vermeulen, Sonja Source(s): , IIED briefing [4] p., ill., graphs, maps…
Land grab or development opportunity? : agricultural investment and international land deals in Africa
Abstract: The first detailed study of large scale land acquisitions in Africa analyses the modalities and likely impacts. highlighting the possible opportunities if things are managed well and warns of the risks to food security and rural development if contracts are not properly negotiated and enforced. Author(s): Cotula, Lorenzo Source(s): , viii, 120 p., ill.,…
Accroître les ressources financières des communes : pratiques émergentes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
Abstract: The mobilization and management of financial resources is one of the pillars of the decentralization and sustainable provision of basic services in local communities. This book examines what progress has been made in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin, and Cameroon. Author(s): Keita, Amagoin; Baltissen, Gerard; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , 95 p., ill., tabs,…
Réaliser le transfert de compétences dans le domaine de la santé : l’expérience de Koulikoro au Mali
Abstract: The support unit for decentralization of the Ministry of Health in Mali has elaborated an approach to facilitate the communal co-management of local health services. The experience demonstrates the potential of community involvement in the decision-making process. Author(s): Konaté, Mamadou; Lodenstein, Elsbet; Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , Bulletin / Royal tropical institute (KIT); 383…
Local governance institutions for sustainable natural resource management in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger
Abstract: Experiences with natural resources management for the purpose of food and income generation are analysed, using cases from Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. Particular attention is paid to customary arrangements, projects interventions, and decentralization. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , KIT working papers series; G1 iii, 25 p., ill., tabs KIT working papers series…
Assessing decentralisation and local governance in West Africa : taking stock of strengthening the monitoring and evaluation capacity of local actors
Abstract: This document examines a number of initiatives to build the capacity of local stakeholders to monitor and evaluate decentralisation and local governance processes in a participatory way. Incl. case studies from Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Mali and Niger. Author(s): Le Bay, Sonia; Loquai, Christiane Source(s): , 271 p., ill., maps, tabs, 25 cm Published: 2008…