Tag: rwanda
Innovations in land rights recognition, administration, and governance
Abstract: This volume is a product of the Annual Conference on Land Policy and Administration. Subjects include: (1) innovation in land administration in Africa; (2) low-cost land administration; (3) the impact of improved tenure security; and (4) land governance. Author(s): Deininger, Klaus Source(s): , v, 241 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2010 World bank…
Fostering social accountability : from principle to practice : guidance note
Abstract: This note provides an overview of the principles of social accountability and provides guidance on how to incorporate the practice of social accountability into programming, illustrated by examples of how it is currently being operationalized in many contexts in different regions. Author(s): Lister, Sarah; Sadasivam, Bharati Source(s): , 46 p., ill., tabs Published: 2010…
Mobilising tax revenue to finance development : the case for property taxation in Francophone Africa
Abstract: The design and implementation of property tax systems in West Africa as a source of national or municipal revenue is analysed. Development partners could support tax reform through capacity building in the areas of fiscal decentralisation, governance, skills, ICT, collection, and enforcement. Author(s): Monkam, Nara F. Source(s): , Working paper / University of Pretoria;…
Rwandese association of local government authorities
Abstract: The Rwandese Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) strives for efficient, effective, transparent and accountable local governments that respond to the demands of people, that are just, democratic and participatory, and which are citizen, investor, and donor friendly. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2009 Rwandese association of local government authorities (RALGA), Kigali (English ISBN/ISSN: /…
Capacity change and performance : insights and implications for development cooperation
Abstract: This brief summarizes the findings of a 5-year research programme on capacity, change and performance. In total, 16 case studies were prepared, covering a wide spectrum of capacity situations, from churches in Papua New Guinea and a tax office in Rwanda to nation-wide networks in Brazil. Author(s): Land, Tony Source(s): , Policy management brief;…
Africa local government action forum (ALGAF)
Abstract: This interactive initiative, which was launched in August 2000 following the Africities Summit held in Windhoek, Namibia in May 2000, provides an accessible platform for dialogue on key issues that impact on the performance of local governments. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2000 Africa Caribbean Pacific local government platform (ACPLGP), [Brussels] (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link:…