Tag: social justice
Community involvement in urban water and sanitation provision : the missing link in partnerships for improved service delivery in Ghana
Abstract: This paper examines how partnerships with communities can complement government’s efforts at improving access to adequate water supply in Ghana. The active involvement of users in the planning and provision of such services contributes to greater equity and financial viability. Author(s): Osumanu, Issaka Kanton Source(s): , Journal of African studies and development; Vol. 2,…
Decentralization, land tenure reforms and local institutional actors : building partnerships for equitable and sustainable land governance in Africa : paper
Abstract: This paper looks into the prospects for decentralized land governance to allow more discretion and freedom of action by local institutional actors. It also assesses the requirements for ensuring responsible local governance in terms of land registration, transactions, accountability and oversight. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M. Source(s): , FAO Land tenure journal 13 p., ill.,…
Inequalities, institutions, and forest outcomes : paper submitted to Global environmental change
Abstract: Analysis of 228 forest commons cases from South Asia (India and Nepal), East Africa (Kenya and Uganda) and Latin America (Mexico and Bolivia) suggests that local governance institutions for collective action may dampen the negative effect of inter-group inequality on forest outcomes. Author(s): Andersson, Krister; Agrawal, Arun Source(s): , 43 p., ill., graphs, tabs…
Sanctions, benefits, and rights : three faces of accountability
Abstract: Participation in local government is enhanced when citizens can reply affirmatively to these questions: (1) can they vote effectively to punish officials and parties? (2) can they generate response to their collective needs? and (3) are they ensured of fair treatment from local public agencies? Author(s): Grindle, Merilee S. Source(s): , Faculty research working…
Local level gender responsive budgeting (GRB) : resources
Abstract: Gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) is government planning, programming and budgeting that contributes to the advancement of gender equality and the fulfillment of women’s rights. The website is an initiative of UN Women. Author(s): UNIFEM Source(s): , Published: 2010 United nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women (UN Women), [New York, NY] (English…
The comparative study of local governance : towards a global approach
Abstract: To allow global comparisons, this article focuses attention on 4 societal roles of local government systems, i.e. support political identity, underwrite economic development, facilitate social welfare provision or act as a lifestyle co-ordinator through the practice of community governance. Author(s): Stoker, Gerry Source(s): , Política y sociedad; Vol. 47, Núm. 3 p. 207-218, ill.,…
Istanbul CSO development effectiveness principles
Abstract: These principles guide the work of civil society organizations in peace and war, grassroots work to policy advocacy, and in a continuum from humanitarian emergencies to long-term development: social justice, gender equity, empowerment, participation, sustainability, partnership, mutual learning. Author(s): Source(s): , 1 p. Published: 2010 Open forum for CSO development effectiveness, [Brussels] (English ISBN/ISSN:…
Food crisis and the global land grab : governments and corporations are buying up farmland in other countries to grow their own food or simply to make money
Abstract: This blog serves as a resource for those monitoring or researching the global rush to buy up or lease farmlands abroad to secure basic food supplies or simply for profit. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2009 Asian peasant coalition (APC) etc.], [Quezon City etc. (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://farmlandgrab.org/
Rural development institute : securing land rights for the world’s poorest
Abstract: RDI is an international nonprofit organization working to secure land rights for the world’s poorest people to work. RDI partners with developing countries on design and implementation of laws, policies, and programs concerning land to enhance economic growth, and promote social justice. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2009 Rural development institute (RDI), Seattle, WA [etc.]…
Fair share : committed to community participation in public policy at all levels
Abstract: Fair Share, a unit of the School of Government, based at the University of the Western Cape, strives to build the capacity of communities to participate effectively in democratic governance, by building the capacity of relevant community structures and organisations. Author(s): University Of The Western Cape Source(s): , Published: 2009 University of the Western…