Tag: tanzania
Challenges and opportunities for collaborative landscape governance in the east Usambara mountains, Tanzania
Abstract: The workings of the governance of natural resources at local and district levels was studied in the East Usambara Mountains, Tanzania, in order to strengthen collaboration between the actors and institutions at these levels. Author(s): Rantala, Salla Source(s): , Working paper / ICRAF; 127Working paper / CIFOR; 61 iv, 75 p., ill., graphs, maps,…
Perceptions of public libraries in Africa : combined report prepared for EIFL
Abstract: The perceptions of public libraries in Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Uganda was studied among users, library staff, and local authorities. In the case of local government officials the objective was to understand whether they think libraries can make a difference. Author(s): Source(s): , 101 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 eIFL, [Utrecht…
Strengthening fairness, transparency and accountability in health care priority setting at district level in Tanzania
Abstract: Health care organization and management systems were analysed to explore the challenges of implementing an Accountability for Reasonableness (A4R) approach to priority setting in Tanzania. Despite rhetoric on decentralisation, actual practice in the district involved little community participation. Author(s): Maluka, Stephen Oswald Source(s): , Global health action; vol. 4 11 p., ill., tabs Global…
Revenue potential study for Masasi district council : final report
Abstract: The revenue potential for Masasi District Council is assessed and an action plan for improving the existing revenue collection system is formulated. Masasi District is located in southern Tanzania. Author(s): Mugoya, Patrick; Chikongoye, Joseph Source(s): , viii, 50 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Support to local governance…
Negotiating on a seesaw : the decentralisation of education and health services in Uganda and Tanzania from a local perspective and in a historical context
Abstract: Between 1997 and 2001, central governments of Uganda and Tanzania expanded the responsibilities of local management committees of schools and dispensaries. The effects on the way in which these management committees engage with central government and with the local polity are examined. Author(s): Prinsen, Gerard Source(s): , xi, 322 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs…
The forgotten villages : land reform in Tanzania
Abstract: Implementation of Tanzania’s land reform has so far been slow and uneven. The promised benefits – economic growth and improved tenure security – do not happen. Citizens and their elected representatives should be allowed to define the land reform processes in their villages. Author(s): Pedersen, Rasmus Hundsbæk Source(s): , DIIS policy brief 4 p.,…
Analysis of basic service governance and the role of local authorities in improving service delivery
Abstract: A study was conducted in Libya, Sudan, Mauritania, Congo (Brazzaville), and Tanzania on the governance and provision of basic services. The aim was to understand how service delivery can be improved and how local government meet challenges and improve access. Author(s): Sutcliffe, Michael; Bannister, Sue Source(s): , UCLG GOLD : Africa report; III ,…
Improving district level health planning and priority setting in Tanzania through implementing accountability for reasonableness framework : perceptions of stakeholders
Abstract: The analysis of health care priority-setting in Tanzania suggests that the Accountability for Reasonableness framework could be an important tool for improving priority-setting processes in the contexts of resource-poor settings. Author(s): Maluka, Stephen Source(s): , BMC Health services research; vol. 10, no. 322 44 p., ill., tabs BMC Health services research vol. 10, no.…
Tanzania’s land law reform : the implementation challenge
Abstract: This working paper provides an overview of the impact on local land governance of the slow and uneven implementation of the 1999 land reform act in Tanzania. It focuses on the establishment of formal institutions for land administration and dispute settlement in rural areas. Author(s): Hundsbæk Pedersen, Rasmus Source(s): , DIIS working paper; 2010/37…