Tag: private sector
Agr[ar]ian change below the radar screen : rising farmland acquisitions by domestic investors in west Africa : what are the implications for food production and smallholder farming?
Abstract: A 2010 survey in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger determined the scale of land acquisition by domestic investors in West Africa. Most acquisitions took place after 2000. Most investors are urban. Formal tenure on customary land is difficult. A move to involve smallholders should be encouraged. Author(s): Hilhorst, Dorothea H.M.; Nelen, Joost; Traoré,…
Improving service delivery through outsourcing
Abstract: Analysis of 10 case studies of outsourcing in the South African public sector demonstrates that local governments could use it more often to improve the delivery of services such as sanitation, water provision and infrastructure. Author(s): Badenhorst-Weiss, J.A.; Ambe, I.M. Source(s): , Journal of contemporary management; Vol. 8 p. 453-472, ill., tabs Journal of…
FIG special
Abstract: This special geomatics issue presents an interview with Hernando de Soto, who believes land registration is the starting point for poverty alleviation, and discusses what societal and technological dynamics may affect the international practice of land administration over the coming 20 years. Author(s): Lemmens, Mathias Source(s): , GIM international : the global magazine for…
Annual World bank conference on land and poverty : conference agenda
Abstract: The theme of the 2011 conference was “Countries strengthen land governance”. In a period of land grabbing, better land governance can encourage investment, steer urban growth and improve social welfare. It also helps countries overcome a legacy of inequality, dispossession and conflict. Author(s): World Bank Source(s): , Published: 2011 World bank, Washington, DC (English…
Busan partnership for effective development co-operation
Abstract: The final declaration of the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Busan, South Korea, establishes a framework for development cooperation that embraces traditional donors, South-South cooperators, CSOs and private funders. Among other things, it stresses the importance of local governance. Author(s): UNDP Source(s): , 12 p. Published: 2011 United nations development programme (UNDP)],…
Energising local economies : an overview : conference report
Abstract: The need for establishing national local economic development (LED) frameworks was emphasized. LED not only can help reduce poverty and deliver the MDGs, but also creates a climate for partnership and inward investment that is vital to all communities to improve local livelihoods. Author(s): Rhodes, Sue Source(s): , Commonwealth journal of local governance (CJLG);…
Accountability in public services in South Africa : selected issues
Abstract: The service delivery capacity and quality challenges in South Africa are examined by analysing the interaction between service providers and beneficiaries. Special emphasis is placed on the accountability relationships among citizen-users, policymakers, and service providers. Author(s): Brink, Rogier Van Den Source(s): , xiv, 157 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published: 2011 World bank, [Washington,…
Visions center for strategic and development studies
Abstract: The Vision Center’s work on decentralization and local development, where it has conducted workshops and trainings to government ministries/entities local government/communities and civic organisations, has led to dialogues between the public-private-community sectors of Jordan. Author(s): Source(s): , Published: 2011 Visions center for strategic and development studies, Amman (English ISBN/ISSN: / Link: http://www.jordanvisions.org/en/home.php
Global land grabbing : update from the International conference on global land grabbing
Abstract: This paper summarizes the highlights of the Conference on Global Land Grabbing, which was held in 2011. Original estimates suggest that national governments and private investors purchased over 40 million hectares of land in just one year from 2008 to 2009, up from 4 million ha/year previously. Author(s): Borras, Jun Source(s): , 6 p.…