Tag: tanzania
Land acquisitions in Tanzania : strong sustainability, weak sustainability and the importance of comparative methods : paper
Abstract: This analysis of large-scale land acquisitions in Tanzania shows that much of the controversy involves issues of weak sustainability – particularly levels of compensation to local villagers – rather than issues of strong sustainability such as food security, biodiversity and ecosystem services. Author(s): Purdon, Mark Source(s): , 52 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs Published:…
Local governance and community action : how poor and marginalized people can achieve change
Abstract: Case studies from Nepal, Malawi, Kenya, Viet Nam and Tanzania show how local governance dynamics are central to the process of change that enable people to claim their rights. A thorough analysis of local power relations can inform approaches to increase the probability of bringing about change. Author(s): Rowlands, Jo; Gaag, Nikki Van Der…
Revenue potential study for Masasi district council : final report
Abstract: The revenue potential for Masasi District Council is assessed and an action plan for improving the existing revenue collection system is formulated. Masasi District is located in southern Tanzania. Author(s): Mugoya, Patrick; Chikongoye, Joseph Source(s): , viii, 50 p., ill., graphs, tabs Published: 2011 Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Support to local governance…
Negotiating on a seesaw : the decentralisation of education and health services in Uganda and Tanzania from a local perspective and in a historical context
Abstract: Between 1997 and 2001, central governments of Uganda and Tanzania expanded the responsibilities of local management committees of schools and dispensaries. The effects on the way in which these management committees engage with central government and with the local polity are examined. Author(s): Prinsen, Gerard Source(s): , xi, 322 p., ill., graphs, maps, tabs…
The forgotten villages : land reform in Tanzania
Abstract: Implementation of Tanzania’s land reform has so far been slow and uneven. The promised benefits – economic growth and improved tenure security – do not happen. Citizens and their elected representatives should be allowed to define the land reform processes in their villages. Author(s): Pedersen, Rasmus Hundsbæk Source(s): , DIIS policy brief 4 p.,…
Analysis of basic service governance and the role of local authorities in improving service delivery
Abstract: A study was conducted in Libya, Sudan, Mauritania, Congo (Brazzaville), and Tanzania on the governance and provision of basic services. The aim was to understand how service delivery can be improved and how local government meet challenges and improve access. Author(s): Sutcliffe, Michael; Bannister, Sue Source(s): , UCLG GOLD : Africa report; III ,…
Decentralisation in Commonwealth Africa : experiences from Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Mozambique and Tanzania
Abstract: Case studies of decentralization policies in sub-Saharan Africa are used to inform lessons learned and policy recommendations to guide decision-makers worldwide. It is clear from the analysis that there is no ‘one size fits all’ design of decentralization policy. Author(s): Kathyola, Janet; Job, Oluwatoyin Source(s): , xx, 291 p., ill., tabs, 24 cm Published:…
Improving the implementation of health workforce policies through governance : a review of case studies
Abstract: A study of 4 governance dimensions (including performance, which has an important decentralization component) on human resources for health (HRH) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Governance to improve HRH must be viewed as inseparable from the wider health system and state governance. Author(s): Dieleman, Maria Areke; Shaw, Daniel M.P.; Zwanikken, Prisca Source(s): ,…
Strengthening intra municipal decentralisation through physical accessibility of services and openness in service delivery : the case of Morogoro municipal council
Abstract: The accessibility of offices and openness of communication of municipal or neighborhood decentralization services was examined in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. Suggested improvements include: better housing, meeting schedules, community participation, training, and transport allowances. Author(s): Lameck, Wilfred Uronu Source(s): , Journal of public administration and policy research; Vol. 3, No. 5 p. 141-155, ill Journal…